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Next: stamp Lion & Palm Trial Design 1853


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  • Colnect-2220-170-Lion-Panthera-leo-attacking-Zebra-Equus-sp.jpg
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(plus 124 more images)
Name: lion
Type: mammal

Appearing in designs:
arms of Danzig & lions (1921) (4 stamps of Danzig, 1921-1922)
arms of Danzig & lions (1922 a) (6 stamps of Danzig, 1922-1923, 3 are ovpts)
arms of Danzig & lions (1922 b) (2 stamps of Danzig, 1922-1923)
arms of Danzig & lions (1923 a) (11 stamps of Danzig, 1923, 1 is ovpt)
arms of Danzig & lions (1923 b) (14 stamps of Danzig, 1923, 2 are ovpts)
arms of Danzig & lions over numeral (18 stamps of Danzig, 1923-1938, 3 are ovpts)
Batha & lion Chad 8/11/1961 2fr issue=1961 dt=views & animals
Don Quixote & lion Spanish Sahara 6/1/1958 20c issue=child welfare 1958
female lion Botswana 6/26/2014 7.30p issue=Lions of the Chobe
giraffe & buffalo & lion Chad 1/11/1965 30fr dt=animals (1965 Chad)
Hercules & lion Syria 11/15/1947 12.50p issue=1st Arab Archaeological Congress
horse & lion Singapore 12/16/1973 75c issue=Singapore Zoo
King George V & lion in silhouette (2 stamps of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, 1935)
King George VI & lion in silhouette Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania 1938 1lb issue=George VI pictorials
King Mswati III facing lions Swaziland 12/23/2002 1.00e dt=tourism (2002 Swaziland)
lion & antelopes Ivory Coast 6/27/1970 30fr issue=UN 25th
lion & fish Netherlands Antilles 10/24/2002 50+15c issue=Youth Care 2002
lion & impala Tanzania 8/22/1991 250sh issue=National Game Parks
lion & liberty cap (1881 4c) Paraguay 8/1881 4c issue=1881b
lion & liberty cap (1r) (4 stamps of Paraguay, 1870-1884, 3 are ovpts)
lion & liberty cap (2c) Paraguay 8/1881 2c issue=1881b
lion & liberty cap (2r) (3 stamps of Paraguay, 1870-1878, 2 are ovpts)
lion & liberty cap (3r) (3 stamps of Paraguay, 1870-1878, 2 are ovpts)
lion & lioness (2 stamps of Tanzania, 2008-2009)
lion & monkey Poland 6/1/1993 1500z issue=Kornel Makuszynski death 40th
lion & Queen Elizabeth II (7 stamps, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania & 2 others, 1953-1959, 3 are ovpts)
lion & the 17th of May parade Norway 5/16/2014 19Kr issue=Bicentenary of the Norwegian Constitution
lion & Thracian grave decoration Cuba 4/15/2015 65c issue=Wild Cats
lion (1862) (4 stamps of Sweden, 1862-1869)
lion (1868) (4 stamps of Iran, 1868)
lion (1879) (6 stamps of Paraguay, 1879-1881, 2 are ovpts)
lion (1885) (3 stamps of Iran, 1885)
lion (1889) (8 stamps of Iran, 1889-1919, 4 are ovpts)
lion (1891) (46 stamps of Iran, 1891-1919, 22 are ovpts)
lion (1894) (7 stamps of Iran, 1894-1902, 3 are ovpts)
lion (1903) (36 stamps, Eritrea & Somalia, 1903-1926, 31 are ovpts)
lion (1912 a) Belgium 4/15/1912 2c issue=1912
lion (1912 b) Belgium 4/15/1912 5c issue=1912
lion (1920) (25 stamps, New Zealand & 2 others, 1920-1925, 1 is ovpt)
lion (1925) (3 stamps of Bulgaria, 1925)
lion (1929) (22 stamps of Belgium, 1929-1937, 8 are ovpts)
lion (1932) (5 stamps, Bulgaria & Somalia, 1932-1934, 1 is ovpt)
lion (1935) Bulgaria 1935 10s
lion (1937) (2 stamps of Mozambique Company, 1937-1939, 1 is ovpt)
lion (1945) (7 stamps of Luxembourg, 1945)
lion (1953) Angola 8/15/1953 2.50a dt=animals (1953 Angola)
lion (1954) (2 stamps of South Africa, 1954-1959)
lion (1959) (3 stamps of Niger, 1959-1960, 1 is ovpt)
lion (1962) (2 stamps of Guinea, 1962)
lion (1964 Cameroun) (2 stamps of Cameroun, 1964)
lion (1964 Kenya) Kenya 12/12/1964 50c issue=Republic of Kenya
lion (1965) Upper Volta 8/9/1965 85fr dt=animals (1965 Upper Volta)
lion (1966 Bulgaria) Bulgaria 5/23/1966 8s issue=Sofia Zoo dt=animals (1966 Bulgaria)
lion (1966 Kenya) Kenya 12/12/1966 20sh issue=1966 dt=animals (1966 Kenya)
lion (1969) Swaziland 8/1/1969 3c issue=1969
lion (1978 Gambia) Gambia 4/15/1978 1d issue=25th Anniversary of the Coronation 1953
lion (1978 Rhodesia) Rhodesia 8/16/1978 11c issue=1978
lion (1980) Zimbabwe 1980 11c issue=1980
lion (1981) Hungary 3/6/1981 60f dt=fauna of Africa (1981)
lion (1982) Bulgaria 12/28/1982 30st dt=Children's Drawings (1982)
lion (1995) (2 stamps, Cuba & Liberia, 1995)
lion (1996) (2 stamps, Poland & Marshall Islands, 1996)
lion (2007) South Africa 8/17/2007 Airmail Postcard issue=The Big 5 dt=big 5 animals
lion (2008) (2 stamps, South Africa & Hungary, 2008)
lion (2009) Zimbabwe 6/23/2009 A issue=The Big Five dt=big five game animals (2008)
lion (2010 Brazil) Brazil 10/24/2010 1.05r issue=Diplomatic Relations Series - Zambia - Brazil
lion (2010 South Africa) South Africa 5/5/2010 Airmail Postcard issue=Big 5 2010 dt=animals (2010)
lion (2011) (3 stamps, Malawi & 2 others, 2011)
lion (2012) (3 stamps, South Africa & 2 others, 2012)
lion (2013) Isle of Man 9/13/2013 40p issue=SEPAC
lion (2014) Zambia 2014 2.50zmk issue=2014 dt=animals of Zambia (2012)
lion (2015) Namibia 7/6/2015 non-standard registered mail issue=Baby Big Five
lion (2017) (2 stamps, Kenya & Tanzania, 2017)
lion (2018) Tanzania 2018 3500sh issue=Wild Animals of Tanzania 2018
lion (circle large) (2 stamps of Tibet, 1914)
lion (circle small) (6 stamps of Tibet, 1912)
lion (Panthera leo) (2 stamps, Angola & Malawi, 1996-2016)
lion and lioness Tanzania 2/23/2007 700sh issue=Tanzania Safari dt=animals (2007)
lion at computer Germany 3/9/1995 100(pf) issue=Carolo-Wilhelmina University 250th
lion attacking zebra Angola 1995 180Kz issue=lubrapex '95
lion cub German Democratic Republic 5/23/1978 10pf issue=100 Years Leipzig Zoo dt=young cats
lion cubs (1976) Hungary 1/26/1976 6fo dt=young animals (1976)
lion cubs (1979) Cuba 11/15/1979 4c dt=Young Zoo Animals
lion devouring the kill Tanzania 3/15/2011 800sh issue=Tanzania Fauna
lion Dressage Monaco 11/8/1978 1.00fr issue=5th International Circus Festival
lion Foliage Ghana 10/9/1989 40c issue=Shakespeare 1989
lion head Bulgaria 1925 50s pc=grn issue=1925
lion holding lantern & letter Japan 7/23/2003 80y issue=Letter Writing Day 2003
lion in oval (6 stamps of Bavaria, 1920)
lion in posthorn Netherlands 3/1923 2 1/2c issue=1923
lion Panthera leo (9 stamps, Portugal & 5 others, 1998-2015)
lion Panthera leo (1981) Sierra Leone 2/23/1981 1le dt=wild cats (1981)
lion Panthera leo okapi Okapia johnstoni Nicaragua 3/30/1999 2.50cd issue=Nature Conservation Campaign
lion square (11 stamps of Tibet, 1932-1934)
lion standing over zebra kill Tanzania 4/22/2003 600sh issue=Animal Giants dt=animal giants
lion tamer & lion Uzbekistan 1/4/2000 28.00s dt=circus performers
lion tamer with lion Great Britain 4/9/2002 1st issue=Europa 2002 dt=circus (2002 Great Britain)
lions St. Vincent 4/10/1989 40c dt=Noah's Ark
lions (1919) Ethiopia 6/16/1919 3t issue=1919
lions (1953) German Democratic Republic 11/2/1953 24pf issue=Leipzig Zoo 75th
lions (1957) French Equatorial Africa 11/4/1957 2fr dt=wildlife (1957)
lions (1959) (2 stamps, Burundi & RuandaUrundi, 1959-1962, 1 is ovpt)
lions (1961) (2 stamps of Tanganyika, 1961, 1 is ovpt)
lions (1964) Romania 9/28/1964 1l dt=animals (1964 Romania)
lions (1965 Hungary) Hungary 6/26/1965 60f dt=circus acts (1965)
lions (1965 Rwanda) Rwanda 4/28/1965 100fr issue=Kagera National Park
lions (1972) Rwanda 3/20/1972 80fr issue=Akagera National Park
lions (1978) Malawi 6/1/1978 10t issue=WWF 1978
lions (1980) (2 stamps of Tanzania, 1980, 1 is ovpt)
lions (1981) Czechoslovakia 9/28/1981 1kc issue=50th Anniversary of Prague Zoo
lions (1982 Malawi) Malawi 3/15/1982 10t dt=fauna of national parks
lions (1982 Zaire) Zaire 11/5/1982 1z dt=Virunga animals
lions (1994) New Zealand 8/16/1994 45c issue=PHILAKOREA '94 dt=Wild Animals (1994)
lions (2005) Tanzania 4/30/2005 350sh issue=Tanzania Safari Circuits dt=animals of Tanzania (2005)
lions (2011) Tanzania 6/15/2011 900sh issue=Tanzania Tourist Attractions
lions resting Botswana 6/26/2014 8.00p issue=Lions of the Chobe
lions stalking zebras Angola 1995 180Kz issue=lubrapex '95
Ludwig von Drake & lion Sierra Leone 11/18/1983 10c issue=Space Ark Fantasy dt=Disney characters in space
male lion Burundi 2/10/1964 100fr dt=animals (1964 Burundi)
mouse & lion Zambia 1/11/1991 19.50k issue=International Literacy Year
National Circus of Ukraine - lion Ukraine 4/4/2002 1.75h issue=Europa 2002 dt=circus (2002)
orange tree & lion (2 stamps of Netherlands, 1923)
Peace & recumbent lion (3 stamps, New Zealand & Samoa, 1920-1922, 2 are ovpts)
Peace & standing lion (2 stamps, New Zealand & Samoa, 1920, 1 is ovpt)
penguins & lion Japan 3/20/1982 60y issue=Ueno Zoo Centenary
posthorn & lion Netherlands 1/15/1943 10c oc=blk on=2 1/2c-posthorn & lion-unissued
pyramids & lion Senegal 3/7/1986 135fr issue=African Football Cup 1986
Queen Margrethe II & lions (3 stamps, Denmark & 2 others, 2012)
Queen Victoria & lions (2 stamps of Uganda, 1898)
Tourists watching lions Zambia 6/30/1987 1.70k issue=Tourism 1987
Tsar Ferdinand & recumbent lion Bulgaria 6/11/1921 10s issue=1921b
Wildlife lion India 10/1/1976 0.50r issue=wildlife protection
zebra tail & lion tail Finland 1/27/1999 3.00mk issue=Animal Tails dt=Animal Tails

African Lion
African Lion (2007) Brazil 10/5/2007 r$0.60 issue=Brazilian Zoos
African Lion (2015) India 10/29/2015 25r issue=India-Africa Forum Summit
African Lion Panthera leo United Nations 9/24/2016 $1.15 issue=World Wildlife Conference (CoP 17), Johannesburg
Panthera leo / leão Angola 1995 450Kz issue=lubrapex '95
lion and lioness Tanzania 2/23/2007 700sh issue=Tanzania Safari dt=animals (2007)
lioness Tanzania 7/31/2013 1600sh issue=The Big Five Series
lioness & Baby oryx Kenya 11/19/2004 21sh dt=animals of Kenya (2004)
lioness from Manyara Tanzania 1/30/2008 700sh issue=Animals 2008 dt=animals (2008)
lioness guarding her cubs Tanzania 8/31/2009 600sh issue=Wild Animals of Tanzania 2009 dt=wild animals of Tanzania (2009)
lioness of Manyara Tanzania 1/30/2008 600sh issue=Animals 2008 dt=animals (2008)
lionesses Tanzania 2/23/2007 1000sh issue=Tanzania Safari dt=animals (2007)
mkango (Panthera leo) Malawi 8/6/2016 350k issue=Endangered Animals of Malawi
Panthera leo
African Lion Panthera leo United Nations 9/24/2016 $1.15 issue=World Wildlife Conference (CoP 17), Johannesburg
Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica, Panthera leo atrox Niger 4/20/2015 825fr issue=Extinct Animals 2015
Gazella dama & Panthera leo Senegal 11/12/2001 75fr dt=animals of National Parks
lion (Panthera leo) (2 stamps, Angola & Malawi, 1996-2016)
lion Panthera leo (9 stamps, Portugal & 5 others, 1998-2015)
lion Panthera leo (1981) Sierra Leone 2/23/1981 1le dt=wild cats (1981)
lion Panthera leo okapi Okapia johnstoni Nicaragua 3/30/1999 2.50cd issue=Nature Conservation Campaign
mkango (Panthera leo) Malawi 8/6/2016 350k issue=Endangered Animals of Malawi
Panthera leo (118 stamps, France & 17 others, 2011-2020)
Panthera leo & Balearica regulorum GuineaBissau 5/5/2008 500fcfa issue=Lions & Birds
Panthera leo & Grus grus GuineaBissau 5/5/2008 500fcfa issue=Lions & Birds
Panthera leo & Plegadis falcinellus GuineaBissau 5/5/2008 350fcfa issue=Lions & Birds
Panthera leo & Sagittarius serpentarius GuineaBissau 5/5/2008 500fcfa issue=Lions & Birds
Panthera leo (1939) Belgian Congo 6/6/1939 5+5fr issue=Leopoldville Zoo
Panthera leo (1961) Ethiopia 6/16/1961 1$ dt=Ethiopian fauna
Panthera leo (1966) Liberia 12/20/1966 3c dt=animals (1966 Liberia)
Panthera leo (1967) Togo 8/19/1967 45fr dt=Wildlife (1967 Togo)
Panthera leo (1968) Dahomey 3/18/1968 30fr issue=Pendjari Game Reserve
Panthera leo (1969 Ajman) Ajman 2/15/1969 1r issue=Animals 1969 dt=animals (1969 Ajman)
Panthera leo (1969 Fujeira) Fujeira 1/8/1969 5r issue=Wild Animals 1969
Panthera leo (1970) Ghana 1970 12 1/2np dt=fauna and flora (1970 Ghana)
Panthera leo (1971 Burundi) (3 stamps of Burundi, 1971)
Panthera leo (1971 Somalia) Somalia 8/25/1971 1,80sh dt=Wild Animals (1971)
Panthera leo (1972) (4 stamps, Ajman & 2 others, 1972)
Panthera leo (1973) Upper Volta 5/3/1973 250f issue=African Wild Animals
Panthera leo (1974) (2 stamps, Togo & North Korea, 1974)
Panthera leo (1975 Guinea) (3 stamps of Guinea, 1975)
Panthera leo (1975 South Africa) South Africa 11/13/1975 15c
Panthera leo (1975) (2 stamps of Central African Republic, 1975-1977, 1 is ovpt)
Panthera leo (1976) Benin 11/8/1976 70fr dt=animals (1976)
Panthera leo (1977) (7 stamps, Cuba & Guinea, 1977)
Panthera leo (1979) Mongolia 9/10/1979 1t dt=Wild Cats (1979)
Panthera leo (1980) South West Africa 10/1/1980 30c issue=1980 dt=wild mammals
Panthera leo (1981) (2 stamps, Sierra Leone & Vietnam, 1981)
Panthera leo (1982) (3 stamps, Burundi & 2 others, 1982)
Panthera leo (1983) (2 stamps, Burundi & Uganda, 1983)
Panthera leo (1985) Tanzania 1985 5sh issue=1985 official
Panthera leo (1986) Laos 5/22/1986 1k dt=animals (1986 Laos)
Panthera leo (1988) (2 stamps, GuineaBissau & Nicaragua, 1988)
Panthera leo (1989) Uganda 9/12/1989 500sh dt=Uganda Waterhole
Panthera leo (1991) (3 stamps, Burundi & 2 others, 1991)
Panthera leo (1992) (4 stamps, Bulgaria & 3 others, 1992)
Panthera leo (1993) (7 stamps, South Africa & 5 others, 1993)
Panthera leo (1994) Madagascar 9/10/1994 140fr issue=Predators 1994 dt=Predators (1994)
Panthera leo (1995) (3 stamps, Benin & Sierra Leone, 1995)
Panthera leo (1996 Burkina Faso) Burkina Faso 12/2/1996 100fr issue=Wild Cats 1996 dt=Wild Cats (1996)
Panthera leo (1996 Cambodia) Cambodia 10/3/1996 200r issue=Mammals and their Young
Panthera leo (1996 Gambia) Gambia 4/12/1996 25d issue=Wildlife 1996
Panthera leo (1996 Maldive Islands) Maldive Islands 9/9/1996 5r issue=Rare Animal Species
Panthera leo (1996 Niger) Niger 4/10/1996 2000fr issue=18th World Scout Jamboree
Panthera leo (1996 South Africa) South Africa 5/8/1996 1r airmail postcard issue=Wildlife 1996
Panthera leo (1996 Togo) Togo 7/30/1996 200fr issue=Endangered Animals 1996 dt=Endangered Animals (1996)
Panthera leo (1996 Uganda) (2 stamps of Uganda, 1996)
Panthera leo (1997 Hungary) Hungary 5/5/1997 27ft issue=Fauna of Africa dt=fauna of Africa (1997)
Panthera leo (1997 Namibia) Namibia 11/3/1997 2$ issue=1997 dt=flora and fauna (1997 Namibia)
Panthera leo (1997 North Korea) North Korea 10/15/1997 20ch issue=Animals presented as Gifts to Kim Il Sung
Panthera leo (1997 Tanzania) Tanzania 10/30/1997 250sh issue=Rare Animals from Around the World dt=Rare Animals from Around the World
Panthera leo (1997 Zaire) (4 stamps of Zaire, 1997)
Panthera leo (1998 Central Africa) Central African Republic 4/3/1998 300fr issue=90th Anniversary of Boy Scout Movement
Panthera leo (1998 China, PRC) China, PRC 6/27/1998 100f dt=paintings by He Xiangning
Panthera leo (1998 Guinea) Guinea 9/8/1998 200fr issue=Animals from Around the World 1998
Panthera leo (1998 Kenya) Kenya 6/10/1998 10sh issue=18th Anniversary of Pan African Postal Union
Panthera leo (1998 Lesotho) Lesotho 4/14/1998 1.50m issue=Animals of the World 1998
Panthera leo (1998 Mali) Mali 2/10/1998 310fr issue=Lions International, Rotary International - Fauna
Panthera leo (1998 Monaco) Monaco 11/20/1998 2.70fr issue=23rd International Circus Festival
Panthera leo (1998 Namibia) (2 stamps of Namibia, 1998)
Panthera leo (1998 Niger) (8 stamps of Niger, 1998)
Panthera leo (1998 North Korea) North Korea 7/10/1998 2w issue=Young Animals 1998
Panthera leo (1998 Somalia) (2 stamps of Somalia, 1998)
Panthera leo (1998) Angola 7/24/1998 100000kzr issue=Animals of the Grande Porte
Panthera leo (1999) (19 stamps, Benin & 9 others, 1999)
Panthera leo (2000 Angola) (2 stamps of Angola, 2000)
Panthera leo (2000 Chad) (5 stamps of Chad, 2000)
Panthera leo (2000 Democratic Republic of the Congo) (2 stamps of Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2000)
Panthera leo (2000 Gabon) Gabon 6/5/2000 260fr dt=protected animals (2000)
Panthera leo (2000 Ghana) Ghana 2/28/2000 1200c issue=African Wildlife
Panthera leo (2000 Liberia) Liberia 9/25/2000 $35 issue=Endangered Animal Species from Around the World 2000 dt=Endangered Animal Species from Around the World (2000)
Panthera leo (2000 Romania) (2 stamps of Romania, 2000)
Panthera leo (2000 Swaziland) Swaziland 7/3/2000 65c dt=Large Animals
Panthera leo (2000 Tanzania) (4 stamps of Tanzania, 2000)
Panthera leo (2000 Togo) (2 stamps of Togo, 2000)
Panthera leo (2001 Botswana) Botswana 12/12/2001 2.50p dt=Wetlands - Chobe River
Panthera leo (2001 Guinea) (4 stamps of Guinea, 2001)
Panthera leo (2001 Lesotho) Lesotho 10/15/2001 4m issue=Fauna of South Africa 2001
Panthera leo (2001 Liberia) (3 stamps of Liberia, 2001)
Panthera leo (2001 Moldova) Moldova 7/14/2001 5l issue=Kishinev Zoo
Panthera leo (2001 South Africa) South Africa 4/25/2001 1.90r airmail postcard issue=Wildlife - The Big 5
Panthera leo (2001 Togo) Togo 12/17/2001 1500fr issue=Fauna of Africa 2001 dt=fauna of Africa (2001)
Panthera leo (2001 Yugoslavia) Yugoslavia 2/23/2001 6nd issue=50th Anniversary of the Palic Zoo
Panthera leo (2001 Zambia) (2 stamps of Zambia, 2001)
Panthera leo (2001) (6 stamps, Benin & Gambia, 2001)
Panthera leo (2002 Democratic Republic of the Congo) (4 stamps of Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2002)
Panthera leo (2002 Uganda) Uganda 12/6/2002 1200sh dt=flora & fauna (2002 Uganda)
Panthera leo (2002) Democratic Republic of the Congo 3/7/2002 300fr issue=Lions 2002 dt=Lions (2002)
Panthera leo (2002) (2002) Democratic Republic of the Congo 3/7/2002 250fr issue=Lions 2002 dt=Lions (2002)
Panthera leo (2004 Ghana) (4 stamps of Ghana, 2004)
Panthera leo (2004 Guinea) (2 stamps of Guinea, 2004)
Panthera leo (2004 Netherlands Antilles) (3 stamps of Netherlands Antilles, 2004)
Panthera leo (2005 Cuba) Cuba 2005 75c issue=National Zoo
Panthera leo (2005 Grenada) Grenada 2/10/2005 $1.50 issue=Wild Cats 2005
Panthera leo (2006 Guinea) Guinea 11/6/2006 7500fr issue=Scouts and Wild Animals 2006
Panthera leo (2006 Liberia) Liberia 1/17/2006 $45 issue=Wildcats of the World
Panthera leo (2007) Netherlands Antilles 1/26/2007 157c dt=animals (2007)
Panthera leo (2008 Cuba) Cuba 7/30/2008 5c issue=Havana Zoo
Panthera leo (2008 Marshall Islands) Marshall Islands 3/25/2008 41c issue=The Cat Family dt=The Cat Family
Panthera leo (2009 Malawi) Malawi 9/30/2009 110k issue=Wildlife of Malawi
Panthera leo (2009 Sierra Leone) Sierra Leone 9/30/2009 2000le issue=Wildlife 2009 dt=wildlife (2009)
Panthera leo (2011 Burundi) (2 stamps of Burundi, 2011)
Panthera leo (2011 Cuba) Cuba 10/18/2011 1.00p issue=Fauna 2011 dt=fauna (2011 Cuba)
Panthera leo (2011) (2 stamps of Serbia, 2011)
Panthera leo (2012) Guinea 6/1/2012 45000fg issue=Endangered Animals of West Africa
Panthera leo (2013) (15 stamps, Gambia & 6 others, 2013)
Panthera leo (2014) (23 stamps, South Africa & 6 others, 2014)
Panthera leo (2015) (10 stamps, GuineaBissau & Niger, 2015)
Panthera leo - Lions Tanzania 4/22/1988 7sh dt=animals (1988 Tanzania)
Panthera leo / leão Angola 1995 450Kz issue=lubrapex '95
Panthera leo, Manis crassicaudata St. Thomas & Prince Islands 9/10/2013 25000db issue=Lions 2013
Panthera leo, Pennisetum purpureum Uganda 7/22/1987 35sh dt=flora and fauna (1987)
Smilodon & Panthera leo Cuba 12/27/2002 75c dt=prehistoric and modern animals
zebra Equus zebra sp & Two Lions Panthera leo Angola 1995 450Kz issue=lubrapex '95
Prev mammal: Linnaeus's two-toed sloth
Next mammal: Lion-tailed Macaque

Prev animal: Linckia nodosa
Next animal: lion's mane jellyfish

External links:
Wikipedia article