Name: American bison
Type: mammal
Appearing in designs:
hunting American bison Czechoslovakia 6/20/1966 1k issue=Naprstek Museum 100th dt=American Indians
Land of Superlatives - Largest Land Mammals - American bison United States 5/27/2006 39 issue=Wonders of America 2006 dt=sights (2006)
Bison bison
— Bison bison (1975 North Korea) North Korea 2/20/1975 10ch dt=animals from the Pyongyang Zoo
— Bison bison (1976) Equatorial Guinea 4/7/1976 300e issue=American Bicentennial c
— Bison bison (1977) Equatorial Guinea 1977 130e issue=North American fauna 1977
— Bison bison (1986) Laos 5/22/1986 10k dt=animals (1986 Laos)
— Bison bison (1997) Tanzania 10/30/1997 250sh issue=Rare Animals from Around the World dt=Rare Animals from Around the World
— Bison bison (1998) (2 stamps, Hungary & Lesotho, 1998)
— Bison bison (1999) (2 stamps, Belarus & Comoro Islands, 1999)
— Bison bison (2007) Guinea 12/20/2007 25000fr issue=Buffalo Bill
— Buteo regalis & Bison bison Cuba 3/10/2016 90c issue=Fauna 2016
— Equus quagga & Bison bison Russia 10/16/1968 4k dt=animals (1968 Russia) |
External links:
Wikipedia article |