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taro (synonym of Colocasia esculenta)

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  • Colnect-900-733-Tarot-Colocasia-esculenta.jpg
  • PG031.13.jpg
  • Colnect-5605-729-Harvesting-Taro.jpg
  • Colnect-2716-413-Nui-Taro.jpg
  • Colnect-4028-633-Preparing-Ground-for-Taro.jpg
  • Colnect-4774-208-Taro-Colocasia-esculenta.jpg
Name: taro
Type: plant
Synonym of: Colocasia esculenta

Appearing in designs:
harvesting taro Niue 3/8/1976 4c issue=1976 dt=scenes of Niue
Nui map & taro (2 stamps of Tuvalu, 1976-1977)
Preparing Ground for taro Niue 3/8/1976 1c issue=1976 dt=scenes of Niue
taro (2 stamps, Papua New Guinea & Wallis & Futuna Islands, 2004-2013)
taro Colocasia esculenta Samoa 12/14/2016 $3.90 issue=Tourism & Culture
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Wikipedia article