Name: Nerium oleander
Type: plant
Appearing in designs:
Nerium oleander (3 stamps, Ghana & 2 others, 1979-2014)
Nerium oleander (1953) San Marino 12/28/1953 3l dt=flowers (1953 San Marino)
Nerium oleander (1959) Monaco 5/16/1959 35fr issue=flowers 1959 dt=flowers (1959 Monaco)
Nerium oleander (1961 Cambodia) Cambodia 7/1/1961 5r dt=flowers (1961 Cambodia)
Nerium oleander (1961 Israel) Israel 4/18/1961 0.32(lb) issue=independence 13th dt=flowers (1961 Israel)
Nerium oleander (1965) Albania 10/6/1965 10q dt=flowers 1965 b
Nerium oleander (1969) Cuba 12/1/1969 13c issue=Christmas 1969 dt=flowers (1969 Cuba)
Nerium oleander (1973) Maldive Islands 12/19/1973 2l dt=Maldivian flowers
Nerium oleander (1976) Equatorial Guinea 10/19/1976 0.55p dt=African flowers (1976)
Nerium oleander (1977) Cuba 5/31/1977 2c issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Doctor Juan Tomas Roig dt=Cuban flowers
Nerium oleander (1979 Grenada) Grenada 2/26/1979 $3 dt=flowers (1979 Grenada)
Nerium oleander (1980) Cape Verde 12/29/1980 10e dt=flowers (1980 Cape Verde)
Nerium oleander (1983) (3 stamps, Antigua & 2 others, 1983, 1 is ovpt)
Nerium oleander (1985) (2 stamps of Grenada, 1985-1986)
Nerium oleander (1987) Maldive Islands 1/29/1987 15r dt=flowers (1987 Maldive Islands)
Nerium oleander (1990) United Arab Emirates 8/25/1990 50f dt=flowers (1990 United Arab Emirates)
Nerium oleander (1991) (6 stamps, Nauru & 3 others, 1991)
Nerium oleander (1994) Kiribati 10/31/1994 23c dt=Seasonal flowers (1994)
Nerium oleander (1995) Libya 12/31/1995 200dh dt=flowers (1995 Libya)
Nerium oleander (1996) (2 stamps, Republic of the Congo & Liberia, 1996)
Nerium oleander (1998) Philippines 5/29/1998 4p issue=Florikultura '98
Nerium oleander (2000) Virgin Islands 9/7/2000 15c dt=flowers (2000 Virgin Islands)
Nerium oleander (2001) Yugoslavia 4/13/2001 12nd dt=Ornamental Trees
Nerium oleander (2005) Netherlands Antilles 1/3/2005 270c dt=flowers (2005 Netherlands Antilles)
Nerium oleander (2006) Bahamas 7/3/2006 65c issue=2006 dt=flowers (2006 Bahamas)
Nerium oleander (2007) Dominica 4/11/2007 $5 issue=Flowers 2007 dt=flowers (2007 Dominica)
Nerium oleander (2010) Aruba 9/29/2010 200c dt=flowers of Aruba (2010)
Nerium oleander (2011 Aruba) Aruba 2/16/2011 160c dt=flowers (2011 Aruba)
Nerium oleander (2011 Syria) Syria 6/22/2011 50p issue=Damascus International Flower Festival 2011 dt=flowers (2011 Syria)
Nerium oleander (2015) (5 stamps, Gambia & Surinam, 2015)
Nerium oleander (Nersium) Tanzania 6/2/1986 10sh dt=native flowers (1986)
Papilio polymnestor and Nerium oleander Maldive Islands 10/25/1993 15r dt=Butterflies and Flowers (1993)
— oleander Barbuda 1/6/1975 1/2c issue=Flowers 1975
— oleander & Green Guava Beetle Psiloptera lampetis St. Vincent 12/13/1979 50c issue=Oleander Flowers and Insects
— oleander (1967) Yugoslavia 5/25/1967 85p dt=medicinal plants (1967 Yugoslavia)
— oleander (1970) Bermuda 7/6/1970 3c dt=flowers (1970 Bermuda)
— oleander (1979) Turkey 11/26/1979 7.5l dt=native plants of Turkey
— oleander (1981) Italy 4/27/1981 200l dt=flowers (1981 Italy)
— oleander (1985) Antigua 3/12/1985 25c issue=1985 dt=fruits and flowers (1983)
— oleander (2000) Dominica 4/25/2000 $1.65 dt=flowers (2000 Dominica)
— oleander (2007) Montserrat 5/14/2007 $1.50 dt=flowers (2007 Montserrat) |
External links:
Wikipedia article |