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Stamps, 1919

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1919 1919a issue unwmk (7 stamps)
- 2q p. 12.5
- 5q
- 10q p. 12.5
- 25q
- 25q
- 50q p. 12.5
- 1fr

1919 1919d issue (no wmk info)
- 1gr ultra ++on=25q

1919 1919e comet right issue (7 stamps)
- 2q brn ++on=2h
- 5q grn ++on=16h
- 10q rose ++on=8h
- 25q bl ++on=64h-Small eagle
- 25q bl ++on=64h-Large eagle
- 50q vio ++on=32h
- 1fr yel & bl ++on=1.28fr

1919 1919f bottom lines at angle issue (9 stamps)
- 10q rose ++on=8h-Small eagle
- 10q rose ++on=8h-Large eagle
- 15q rose ++on=8h-Small eagle
- 15q rose ++on=8h-Large eagle
- 20q grn ++on=16h
- 25q vio ++on=62h
- 50q bl ++on=64h
- 1fr org ++on=96h
- 2fr vio ++on=1.60k

1919, Jan 16 1919b issue ovpted (7 stamps)
- 2q on 2h
- 5q on 16h-unissued (0)
- 10q on 8h-unissued (0)
- 25q on 64h-unissued (0)
- 25q on 64h-large eagle-unissued (0), large eagle
- 50q on 32h-unissued (0)
- 1fr on 1.28k-unissued (0)

1919, Jun 5 1919c issue ovpted (7 stamps)
- 10q brn on 2h-brn-unissued (0)
- 15q rose on 8h-rose-unissued (0)
- 20q grn on 16h-grn-unissued (0)
- 25q bl on 64h-bl-unissued (0)
- 50q vio on 32h-vio-unissued (0)
- 1fr org on 96h-org-unissued (0)
- 2fr vio on 1.60k-vio-unissued (0)

postage due

1919, Feb 10 1919 due issue
- 4q rose ++on=4h
- 10q redbrn ++on=10h
- 20q org ++on=2kr
- 50q brn ++on=5kr



1919, Nov 30 armistice issue ovpted (8 stamps)
X 20pa cl on 20pa-cl-unissued (0)
- 1pi bl on 1pi-bl-unissued (0)
- 1pi dlvio ovpt, map&Sultan, w. unwmk, p. 12.5
- 50pa ultra ovpt, map of Dardanelles, w. unwmk, p. 12.5
X 2pi orgbrn & ind ovpt, view of Istanbul, w. unwmk, p. 12.5
- 2 1/2pi ver & grn ovpt, Bosphorus at Kandilli, w. unwmk, p. 12
X 5pi ltbl & blk ovpt, pyramids, w. unwmk, p. 12.5
- 10pi blgrn ovpt, palace & Sultan, w. unwmk, p. 12.5
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