Stamps, St Edwards crown & CA watermark

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Quaiti State in Hadhramaut


1966, Apr 1 1966 issue ovpted wmk. St Edwards crown & CA p. 14
- 250f on 5sh blk & grn agriculture
- 500f on 10sh blk & red Lime-burning

1966, Apr 1 Churchill Commemoration issue ovpted p. 11.5x13
- 5f on 10c blk Mat-making
- 10f on 15c grn weaving
- 15f on 25c red pottery

1966, Apr 1 President Kennedy Commemoration issue ovpted
- 20f on 35c bl building
- 25f on 50c org date cultivation
- 35f on 70c brn agriculture


1967, Sep 4 1967 provisional issue ovpted on stamps of St. KittsNevis p. 14 (16 stamps)
- 1/2c bl & brn ovpt, Sombrero Lighthouse
- 1c multi ovpt, Loading sugar cane
- 2c multi ovpt, Pall Mall Square Basseterre
- 3c multi ovpt, gateway
- 4c multi ovpt, Nelson’s Spring Nevis
- 5c multi ovpt, Grammar school St Kitts
- 6c multi ovpt, Mt Misery Crater St Kitts
- 10c multi ovpt, hibiscus
- 15c multi ovpt, sea island cotton Nevis
- 20c multi ovpt, Boat building Anguilla
- 25c multi ovpt, White-crowned Pigeon
- 50c multi ovpt, St George’s Church tower
- 60c multi ovpt, Alexander Hamilton
- $1 multi ovpt, Map of St Kitts-Nevis
- $2.50 multi ovpt, Map of Anguilla
- $5 multi ovpt, Arms of St Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla

St. KittsNevis

1958, Apr 22 West Indies Federation issue p. 11.5x11
X 3c grn map of the Caribbean & Queen Elizabeth II
X 6c bl map of the Caribbean & Queen Elizabeth II
X 12c carrose map of the Caribbean & Queen Elizabeth II

1961, Jul 15 Nevis stamp 100th issue p. 14
X 2c blgrn & brn Stamp of Nevis 1861 .20 .20
X 8c bl & ltbrn 4 Pence Stamp .20 .20
X 12c car & sl 6 Pence Stamp
X 24c yelorg & blgrn 1sh Stamp

1963, Sep 2 Red Cross 100th issue p. 13.5
X 3c blk & red .20
X 12c viobl & red

1963, Nov 20 1963 issue p. 14 (16 stamps)
X 1/2c bl & brn Sombrero Lighthouse .20 .20
X 1c multi Loading sugar cane .20 .20
X 2c multi Pall Mall Square Basseterre .20 .20
X 3c multi gateway .20 .20
X 4c multi Nelson’s Spring Nevis .20 .20
X 5c multi Grammar school St Kitts .20 .20
X 6c multi Mt Misery Crater St Kitts .20 .20
X 10c multi hibiscus .20 .20
X 15c multi sea island cotton Nevis .20 .20
X 20c multi Boat building Anguilla .20
X 25c multi White-crowned Pigeon
X 50c multi St George’s Church tower
X 60c multi Alexander Hamilton
X $1 multi Map of St Kitts-Nevis
X $2.50 multi Map of Anguilla
X $5 multi Arms of St Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla

1964, Sep 14 ovpted
X 3c multi ovpt, gateway .20 .20
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