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1935, May 6
Silver Jubilee issue wmk.
mult crown & script CA p.
1966, Feb 4
Royal Visit to the Caribbean issue
1935, May 6
Silver Jubilee issue
1966, Feb 4
Royal Visit to the Caribbean issue wmk.
St Edwards crown & CA
1935, May 6
Silver Jubilee issue wmk.
mult crown & script CA
1951 ovpted on stamp of
Great Britain wmk.
crown & GVIR
1951 ovpted on stamp of
Great Britain
1951 ovpted on stamp of
Great Britain
1913 1913a issue wmk.
large crown & GvR
1934, Oct wmk.
crown & block GvR
1951, May 3
1951 issue wmk.
crown & GVIR
1935, May 6
Silver Jubilee issue wmk.
mult crown & script CA
1935, May 6
Silver Jubilee issue
1961, May 6 wmk.
St Edwards crown & CA
1966, Feb 4
Royal Visit to the Caribbean issue
1968, Dec 10
Human Rights Year issue unwmk
1914 1914 issue ovpted on stamp of
Great Britain wmk.
large crown & GvR
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