Stamps, overprinted on stamps of 681
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1982, Jul 12
Birth of Prince William of Wales issue ovpted wmk.
crown & CA spiral p.
1983, Sep 19
independence issue ovpted -
birds (1981 St. Kitts) (11 stamps)
X |
5c |
multi |
ovpt, Purple-throated Carib, p. 14x14.25 | .20 |
.20 |
- |
15c |
multi |
ovpt, bananaquit | |
- |
20c |
multi |
ovpt, scaly-breasted thrasher | |
.20 |
- |
25c |
multi |
ovpt, Grey Kingbird | |
- |
30c |
multi |
ovpt, green-throated carib | |
- |
40c |
multi |
ovpt, Ruddy Turnstone | |
- |
55c |
multi |
ovpt, brown pelican diving | |
- |
$1 |
multi |
ovpt, lesser Antillean bullfinch | |
- |
$2.50 |
multi |
ovpt, zenaida dove | |
- |
$5 |
multi |
ovpt, American kestrel | |
- |
$10 |
multi |
ovpt, Antillean Crested Hummingbird (1981) | |
1980, Jun 23
1980 official issue ovpted p.
1981, Feb 5
1981 official issue ovpted -
birds (1981 St. Kitts) (no perf info) (12 stamps)
- |
15c |
multi |
ovpt, bananaquit | .20 |
.20 |
- |
20c |
multi |
ovpt, scaly-breasted thrasher | .20 |
.20 |
- |
25c |
multi |
ovpt, Grey Kingbird | .20 |
.20 |
- |
30c |
multi |
ovpt, green-throated carib | .20 |
.20 |
- |
40c |
multi |
ovpt, Ruddy Turnstone | |
.20 |
- |
45c |
multi |
ovpt, black-faced grassquit | |
.20 |
- |
50c |
multi |
ovpt, Western Cattle Egret | |
.20 |
- |
55c |
multi |
ovpt, brown pelican diving | |
.20 |
- |
$1 |
multi |
ovpt, lesser Antillean bullfinch | |
- |
$2.50 |
multi |
ovpt, zenaida dove | |
- |
$5 |
multi |
ovpt, American kestrel | |
- |
$10 |
multi |
ovpt, Antillean Crested Hummingbird (1981) | |
1984, Jul 4
1984 official issue ovpted -
marine life (1984 St. Kitts) (no wmk info) p.
14 (12 stamps)
- |
15c |
multi |
ovpt, Lysmata wurdemanni | |
- |
20c |
multi |
ovpt, Hermodice carunculata | |
- |
25c |
multi |
ovpt, Cyphoma gibbosum | |
- |
30c |
multi |
ovpt, Christmas Tree Worm Spirobranchus giganteus | |
- |
40c |
multi |
ovpt, Condylactis gigantea | |
- |
50c |
multi |
ovpt, Haemulon chrysargyreum | |
- |
60c |
multi |
ovpt, Priacanthus cruentatus | |
- |
75c |
multi |
ovpt, Adioryx coruscus | |
- |
$1 |
multi |
ovpt, Apogon maculatus | |
- |
$2.50 |
multi |
ovpt, Chaetodon sedentarius | |
- |
$5 |
multi |
ovpt, Myripristis jacobus | |
- |
$10 |
multi |
ovpt, Eupomacentrus variabilis | |
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