Stamps, overprinted on stamps of 110

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1902 1902f issue ovpted (no wmk info) (no perf info)
- 2k on 2k-unissued (0)
- 10k on 10k-unissued (0)
- 50k on 50k-unissued (0)

1902 1902g issue ovpted (7 stamps)
X 1c on 1c-unissued (0)
- 2c on 2c-unissued (0)
- 3c on 3c-unissued (0)
- 5c on 5c-unissued (0)
- 10c on 10c-unissued (0)
- 12c on 12c-unissued (0)
- 50k on 50k-unissued (0)

1902 1902h issue ovpted
- 5k och & bl on 5k-och&bl-unissued (0)

1902 1902i issue ovpted
- 2c brn & yel on 2c-brn&yel-unissued (0)

1902 1902j issue ovpted
X 2c brn & yel on 2c-brn&yel-unissued (0)
X 2c brn & yel on 2c-brn&yel-unissued (0)

1903 ovpted
X 1c grn on 3c-grn (3)
X 2c grn on 3c-grn (3)

1903 ovpted
- 12c on 10k rosered Shah Muzaffar-ed-Din, p. 11.5x11
- 2t on 50k grn Shah Muzaffar-ed-Din
- 3t on 50k grn Shah Muzaffar-ed-Din

1903, Apr 1903b issue ovpted (6 stamps)
- 1c gray & yel on 1c-gray&yel-unissued (0)
- 2c on 2c-unissued (0)
- 5c on 5c-unissued (0)
X 10c yel on 10c-yel-unissued (0)
- 12c on 12c-unissued (0)
X 1k vio & bl on 1k-vio&bl-unissued (0)

1904 ovpted
- 2c gray on 2c-gray (1)

1904 ovpted p. 12.5
X 3c on 5c rose lion of Persia

1904 ovpted unwmk (no perf info)
X 6c on 10c brn Shah Nasr-ed-Din

1904 ovpted (no wmk info) p. 11.5x11
- 9c on 1k vio Shah Muzaffar-ed-Din

1905 1905 issue ovpted (9 stamps)
- 1c grn on 3c-grn (3)
X 1c grn on 3c-grn (3)
X 1c grn on 3c-grn (3)
- 1c on 1k vio Shah Muzaffar-ed-Din, p. 11.5x11
- 1c on 1k vio Shah Muzaffar-ed-Din, p. 11.5x11
X 1c on 1k vio Shah Muzaffar-ed-Din, p. 11.5x11
- 2c on 5k orgbrn Shah Muzaffar-ed-Din, p. 11.5x11
- 2c on 5k orgbrn Shah Muzaffar-ed-Din, p. 11.5x11
X 2c on 5k orgbrn Shah Muzaffar-ed-Din, p. 11.5x11

1909 ovpted (no perf info)
- 1c vio, bl on 1c-vio-pc=bl (1)
X 2c gray, bl on 2c-gray-pc=bl (1)

1910, May ovpted lion of Persia p. 12.5 (5 stamps)
- 1c on 2c gray, bl lion of Persia
- 1c on 3c grn, bl lion of Persia
- 1c on 9c org, bl lion of Persia
- 1c on 6c rose, bl lion of Persia
- 1c vio, bl ovpt, lion of Persia

1910, May ovpted (no perf info)
- 2c on 13c dkbl Shah Mohammed Ali
- 2c on 1k red Shah Mohammed Ali
- 2c on 26c redbrn Shah Mohammed Ali

1912, Feb 7 1912 issue ovpted unwmk
X 1c grn & org ovpt, Shah Ahmed
X 2c red & sep ovpt, Shah Ahmed
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