Stamps, overprinted on stamps of 177

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Central Lithuania


1920, Nov 23 1920c issue ovpted on stamps of Lithuania white knight thin white paper wmk. wavy lines (Lithuania) (10 stamps)
- 2m on 15sk vio white knight
- 4m on 30sk bis white knight, p. 14
- 4m on 20sk dkbl white knight
- 4m on 10sk dprose white knight, p. 14
- 6m on 75sk bis & red white knight
- 6m on 50sk blgrn white knight
- 6m on 60sk vio & red white knight, p. 14
- 10m on 5auk blgrn & red white knight, p. 14
- 10m on 3auk brn & red white knight, p. 14
- 10m on 1auk gray & red white knight, p. 14


1922, May ovpted thin white paper (no perf info)
- 4auk on 75sk bis & red white knight
- 4auk on 75sk bis & red white knight

1922, Nov new currency a issue ovpted gray granite paper wmk. network (Lithuania) p. 11.25x12
- 3c on 3auk bisbrn & rose white knight 10.–100 10.–100
- 3c on 5auk blgrn & rose white knight 10.–100 10.–100
- 3c on 1auk gray & rose white knight 10.–100 10.–100

1922, Nov new currency b issue ovpted white knight (13 stamps)
- 1c on 30sk bis white knight, thin white paper, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 14
- 1c on 40sk brn white knight, thin white paper, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 14
- 1c on 20sk dkbl white knight, thin white paper, w. wavy lines (Lithuania)
X 1c on 20sk dpbl white knight, thin white paper, w. unwmk, p. 11.25
- 1c on 10sk dprose white knight, thin white paper, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 14
- 1c on 30sk org white knight, thick white paper, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 14 10.–100 10.–100
- 1c on 15sk vio white knight, thin white paper, w. wavy lines (Lithuania)
- 2c on 75sk bis & red white knight, thin white paper, w. wavy lines (Lithuania)
- 2c on 50sk blgrn white knight, thin white paper, w. wavy lines (Lithuania)
X 2c on 60sk vio & red white knight, thin white paper, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 14
- 3c on 5auk blgrn & red white knight, thin white paper, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 14
X 3c on 3auk brn & red white knight, thin white paper, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 14
- 3c on 1auk gray & red white knight, thin white paper, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 14

1922, Nov new currency c issue ovpted thin white paper (11 stamps)
X 1c on 50sk ol peasant, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 11.25
- 1c on 20sk dpbl white knight, w. webbing, imperf
- 1c on 40sk graybrn white knight, w. webbing
- 3c on 30sk brn peasant, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 11.25
X 3c on 40sk red Prince Kestutis, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 11.25
- 3c on 10sk rose sower, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 11.25
- 3c on 15sk vio sower, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 11.25
- 3c on 20sk bl sower, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 11.25
- 5c on 50sk ol peasant, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 11.25
- 5c on 60sk grn & vio peasant, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 11.25
- 5c on 80sk org & car Prince Kestutis, w. wavy lines (Lithuania), p. 11.25

1922, Nov new currency d issue ovpted thin white paper (no perf info)
- 5c on 4auk bis & red white knight
- 5c on 4auk bis & red white knight

1922, Nov new currency e issue ovpted thin white paper (9 stamps)
X 10c on 1auk brn & grn Prince Kestutis
X 10c on 2auk graybl & red Prince Kestutis, p. 11.25
- 15c on 4auk dkbl & yel sower, p. 10.75
- 25c on 3auk yelbrn & dkbl black horseman, p. 11.25
- 25c on 5auk graybl & red black horseman, p. 11.25
- 25c on 10auk pnk & vio black horseman, p. 11.25
- 30c on 8auk blk & grn sower, p. 10.75
- 50c on 25auk yelbrn & grn black horseman, p. 11.25
- 1l on 100auk brtpnk & dkgray black horseman, p. 10.75
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