Stamps, Jul of any year

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1913, Jul 1913h issue unwmk (no perf info)
- 1gr blk

1945, Jul 10 1945b issue ovpted wmk. double headed eagle p. 14 (7 stamps)
- 30q on 1q sl Lake Butrinto
- 60q on 1q sl Lake Butrinto
- 80q on 1q sl Lake Butrinto
- 1fr on 1q sl Lake Butrinto
- 2fr on 2q orgred Lake Butrinto
- 3fr on 50q dkgrn Lake Butrinto
- 5fr on 2fr ind Ahmet Zog Bridge over the Mat

1947, Jul 10 Albanian army 4th issue unwmk p. 11.5
- 16q brnorg & redbrn gathered citizens
- 20q orgbrn & dkbrn Hoxha & Shanto
- 28q brigade inauguration
- 40q Vojo Kushi

1948, Jul 10 army 5th issue (no wmk info) (no perf info)
- 2.50l yelbrn Enver Hoxha & Fighters on the March
- 5l dkbl Enver Hoxha & Fighters on the March
- 8l viogray Fight Szene

1949, Jul 10 Albanian army 6th issue p. 12.5x12
- 2.50l brn map & soldier
- 5l ltbl map & soldier
- 8l brnorg map & soldier

1950, Jul 1 UPU 75th issue unwmk
- 5l bl postman airplane globe railroad
- 8l brncar postman airplane globe railroad
- 12l brnblk postman airplane globe railroad

1951, Jul 16 Children's Day 1951 issue p. 12
- 2l grn child & globe
- 2.50l rosebrn Baby on the scales
- 3l red Baby on the scales
- 5l graybl child & globe

1958, Jul 1 Battle of Mashkullore 50th issue p. 10.75
- 2.50l olbis Cerciz Topulli & Mihal Grameno
- 3l grn tree & buildings
- 5l bl Cerciz Topulli & Mihal Grameno
- 8l redbrn tree & buildings

1958, Jul 10 Albanian army 15th issue
- 1.50l blgrn soldiers
- 2.50l redbrn airman et al
- 8l red soldiers
- 11l brtbl airman et al

1959, Jul 1 World Peace Movement 10th issue
X 1.50l carrose Frederic Joliot-Curie & emblem
X 2.50l rosevio Frederic Joliot-Curie & emblem
X 11l bl Frederic Joliot-Curie & emblem

1962, Jul 31 World Cup 1962 issue (8 stamps)
X 1l p. 14
- 1l pur imperf
- 2.5L p. 14
- 2.5L brn & dkblgrn imperf
- 6.5L p. 14
- 6.5L dkcarbrn & pur imperf
- 15l p. 14
- 15l brncar & och imperf

1963, Jul 10 20 Years People's Army issue p. 12.5x11.75
- 1.50l multi Enver Hoxha Building
- 2.50l multi Soldier with Rifle Patrol Boat Aircraft
- 5l multi Soldiers in Attack
- 8l multi Soldier with Gun Industrial Plant Caterpillar

1963, Jul 30 Soviet cosmonauts
- 3l multi Yuri Gagarin, p. 12.25x11.75
- 3l multi Yuri Gagarin, imperf
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