Stamps of St. Vincent, 12 perf

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1883 1883a issue wmk. crown & CA p. 12 (5 stamps)
- 1/2d grn Queen Victoria
- 4d ultra Queen Victoria
- 4d dlbl Queen Victoria (1884)
- 6d yelgrn Queen Victoria
- 1sh ver Queen Victoria

1983, Jan 12 marine life (1983 St. Vincent) wmk. St Edwards crown & CA
- 50c multi Pseudocorynactis caribbeorum
- 60c multi Actinoporus elegans
- $1.50 multi Arachnanthus nocturnus
- $2 multi Hippocampus reidi

2007, Dec 3 Christmas 2007 issue
- 20c multi
- 70c multi
- 90c multi
- $1.10 multi

2008, Jun 27 60th Anniversary of the University of the West Indies issue (5 stamps)
- 10c multi
- 30c multi
- 90c multi
- $1.05 multi
- $6 multi

2009, Jan 26 Year of the Ox 2009 issue
- $2.50 multi

2009, Aug 1 Birds 2009 issue (10 stamps)
- $1.20 multi Calidris fuscicollis
- $1.80 multi Egretta tricolor
- $2.50 multi Podilymbus podiceps
- $2.50 multi Egretta thula
- $2.50 multi Ardea herodias
- $2.50 multi Pelecanus occidentalis
- $3 multi Sula dactylatra
- $3 multi Larus delawarensis
- $3 multi Limnodromus griseus
- $5 multi red-footed booby Sula sula

2010, Jan 15 Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund issue unwmk
- $2.50 multi Pelecanus occidentalis
- $2.50 multi Ardea herodias
- $2.50 multi Egretta thula
- $2.50 multi Podilymbus podiceps

2010, Feb 18 Ferrari 2010 issue (8 stamps)
- $1.25 multi
- $1.25 multi
- $1.25 multi
- $1.25 multi
- $1.25 multi
- $1.25 multi
- $1.25 multi
- $1.25 multi

2010, Oct 5 100th Anniversary of the Death of Henry Dunant issue wmk. St Edwards crown & CA (5 stamps)
- $2.50 multi
- $2.50 multi
- $2.50 multi
- $2.50 multi
- $6 multi

2010, Oct 5 Abraham Lincoln issue
- $2.75 multi
- $2.75 multi
- $2.75 multi
- $2.75 multi
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