Stamps of South Georgia, crown & script CA spiral watermark

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1992, Mar 12 South Georgian Pin Tails wmk. crown & script CA spiral (no perf info)
- 2p multi Anas georgica georgica
- 6p multi Anas georgica georgica
- 12p multi Anas georgica georgica
- 20p multi Anas georgica georgica

1994, Dec 1 100th Anniversary of the Arrival of Carl Anton Larsen in South Georgia issue
- 17p multi
- 35p multi
- 40p multi
- 65p multi

1995, May 8 50th Anniversary of the End of World War II issue
- 50p multi
- 50p multi
- multi

1995, Nov 16 Sailing Yachts 1995 issue
- 35p multi
- 40p multi
- 76p multi

1996, May 15 80th Anniversary of the Crossing of South Georgia by Ernest Shackleton issue
- 15p multi
- 20p multi
- 30p multi
- 65p multi

1997, Jul 10 50th Wedding Anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip issue (6 stamps)
- 15p multi
- 15p multi
- 17p multi
- 17p multi
- 40p multi
- 40p multi

1999, Jan 4 Views of South Georgia issue (5 stamps)
- 9p multi
- 17p multi
- 35p multi
- 40p multi
- 65p multi

1999, May 5 AUSTRALIA '99 issue
- 1.50£ multi

1999, Aug 18 99th birthday of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother issue (5 stamps)
- 25p multi
- 30p multi
- 35p multi
- 40p multi
- blk

1999, Nov 15 Birds 1999 issue (12 stamps)
- 1p multi chinstrap penguin, Pygoscelis antarctica .20 .20
- 2p multi Procellaria aequinoctialis .20 .20
- 5p multi Garrodia nereis .20 .20
- 10p multi South Georgia pipit Anthus antarcticus
- 11p multi Diomedea chrysostoma
- 30p multi Halobaena caerulea
- 35p multi Diomedea melanophris
- 40p multi South Georgia diving petrel Pelecanoides georgicus
- 50p multi Eudyptes chrysolophus
- multi Phoebetria palpebrata
- multi Anas georgica
- multi Aptenodytes patagonicus

1999, Dec 18 Turn of the Millennium issue
- 11p multi
- 11p multi
- 11p multi
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