Stamps of Great Britain, 14.75x14.25 perf

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1969, Aug 13 Gandhi 100th issue unwmk p. 14.75x14.25
X 1sh6p multi Mahatma Gandhi

1969, Nov 26 Christmas 1969 issue
X 4d multi herald angel
X 5d multi three shepherds
X 1sh6p multi three kings

1970, Feb 11 British rural architecture
X 5d multi Fife harling
X 9p multi Cotswold Limestone
X 1sh multi Welsh Stucco
X 1sh6p multi Ulster Thatch

1970, Apr 1 Mayflower sailing 350th issue - anniversaries (1970)
X 1sh6p multi Pilgrims & Mayflower ships

1970, Apr 1 Declaration of Arbroath 650th issue - anniversaries (1970)
X 5d multi Signing the Declaration of Arbroath

1970, Apr 1 Florence Nightingale 150th issue - anniversaries (1970)
X 9p multi Florence Nightingale attending patients

1970, Apr 1 Royal Astronomical Society 150th issue - anniversaries (1970)
X 1sh9p multi astronomers & telesope

1970, Apr 1 International Cooperative Alliance 75th issue - anniversaries (1970)
X 1sh multi Signing of International Co-operative Alliance

1971, Feb 15 1971 issue Queen Elizabeth II (12 stamps)
X 1/2p turqbl Queen Elizabeth II
X 1 1/2p grayblk Queen Elizabeth II
X 2 1/2p mag Queen Elizabeth II
X 3p ultra Queen Elizabeth II
X 4p olbrn Queen Elizabeth II
X 4 1/2p graybl Queen Elizabeth II (1973)
X 5 1/2p dkvio Queen Elizabeth II
X 7p dklilbrn Queen Elizabeth II
X 7 1/2p redbrn Queen Elizabeth II
X 9p blk & org Queen Elizabeth II
X 10p orgbrn Queen Elizabeth II
X 50p dkoch Queen Elizabeth II (1977)

1971, Jun 16 Ulster '71 issue
X 3p multi A Mountain Road TPFlanagan
X 7 1/2p multi Deers Meadow Tom Carr
X 9p multi Slieve na brock Colin Middleton

1971, Jul 28 John Keats death 150th issue
X 3p dkbl & multi John Keats

1971, Jul 28 Thomas Gray Death Bicentenary issue
X 5p multi Thomas Gray

1971, Jul 28 Sir Walter Scott Birth Bicentenary issue
X 7 1/2p multi Sir Walter Scott

1971, Aug 25 British Legion 50th issue
X 3p multi Servicemen & Nurse of 1921

1971, Aug 25 Rugby Football Union 100th issue
X 9p multi Rugby Football 1871

1971, Aug 25 York 1900th issue
X 7 1/2p multi Roman Centurion

1971, Sep 22 British architecture (1971)
X 3p multi Physical Sciences Building University College of Wales
X 5p multi University of Southampton
X 7 1/2p multi Engineering Department Leicester University
X 9p Hexagon Restaurant Essex University

1971, Oct 13 Christmas 1971 issue
X 2 1/2p red & multi Dream of the Wise Men
X 3p bl & multi Adoration of the Magi
X 7 1/2p grn & multi Ride of the Magi

1972, Apr 26 British Coast Guard 150th issue
X 7 1/2p multi 19th-century Coastguard

1972, Apr 26 Ralph Vaughan Williams 100th issue
X 9p multi Ralph Vaughan Williams & Score

1972, Apr 26 Tutankhamen tomb discovery 50th issue
X 3p multi Statuette of Tutankhamun

1972, Sep 13 BBC 50th issue
X 3p multi microphones
X 5p multi Horn Loudspeaker
X 7 1/2p multi TV Camera 1972
X 9p multi Oscillator & Spark Transmitter 1897

1973, Feb 28
X 9p multi oak tree

1974, Feb 27
X 10p multi horse chestnut
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