Stamps of Palau, 14x14.75 perf

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1983, Dec 14 Wilson voyage 200th issue unwmk p. 14x14.75 (8 stamps)
- 20c Captain Henry Wilson
- 20c Englishmans Camp on Ulong
- 20c Approaching Pelew
- 20c Prince Lee Boo
- 20c King Abba Thulle
- 20c Village Scene of Pelew Islands
- 20c Mooring in Koror
- 20c Ludee

1994, Oct 1 Independence Day 1994 issue (5 stamps)
- 29c multi
- 29c multi
- 29c multi President Kuniwo Nakamura of Palau and
- 29c multi
- 29c ultra

2001, Jun 10 Personalities 2001 issue
- 11c multi Lazarus Salii
- 70c multi Douglas MacArthur
- 80c multi Chester Nimitz
- $12.25 multi John Kennedy

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