Stamps of Malawi, mult cockerel watermark

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1966, Feb 15 1966 issue wmk. mult cockerel (no perf info) (11 stamps)
- 1/2p lil mother & child
X 1p grn & blk chambo fish
- 2p redbrn zebu bull
X 3p multi groundnuts
- 6p multi fishing
- 9p multi tea industry
- 1sh multi timber
- 1sh6p dkviobrn & dkgrn Curing tobacco
- 5sh multi Monkey Bay - Lake Malawi
- 10sh multi forestry - Afzelia
- 2lb multi Cyrestis camillus sublineatus

1966, May 4 75th Anniversary of the Postal Service issue
- 4p olgrn & dkbl
- 9p pur & dkbl
- 1sh6p vio & dkbl
- 3sh bl & dkbl

1966, Jul 6 Republic Day 1966 issue
X 4p multi Hastings Kamuzu Banda
- 9p multi Hastings Kamuzu Banda
- 1sh6p multi Hastings Kamuzu Banda
- 3sh multi Hastings Kamuzu Banda

1966, Oct 12 Christmas 1966 issue
X 4p grn & gold star over Bethlehem
- 9p pur & gld star over Bethlehem
- 1sh6p multi & gld star over Bethlehem
- 3sh bl & gld star over Bethlehem

1967, Jan 4 steamers
- 4p multi Ilala I 1875
- 9p multi Dove 1892
- 1sh6p multi Chauncey Maples 1901
- 3sh multi Guendolen 1899

1967, May 3 fishes (1967 Malawi)
- 4p multi Pseudotropheus auratus
- 9p multi Labeotropheus trewavasae
- 1sh6p multi Pseudotropheus zebra
- 3sh multi Pseudotropheus tropheops

1967, Jul 5
X 4p grn & blk rising sun & cogwheel
- 9p rosecar & blk rising sun & cogwheel
- 1sh6p blk & blvio rising sun & cogwheel
- 3sh blk & viobl rising sun & cogwheel

1967, Nov 21 Christmas 1967 issue
- 4p multi nativity
- 9p multi nativity
- 1sh6p multi nativity
- 3sh multi nativity

1968, Apr 24 wildflowers (1968 Malawi)
- 4p multi Calotropis procera
- 9p multi Borreria dibrachiata
- 1sh6p multi Hibiscus rhodanthus
- 3sh multi Bidens pinnatipartita

1968, Jul 24 Malawi locomotives
X 4p multi saddleback
X 9p multi G class
- 1sh6p multi diesel"Zambesi"
- 3sh multi diesel rail car

1968, Nov 6 Christmas 1968 issue
- 4p multi Nativity by Piero della Francesca
- 9p multi Adoration of the Shepherds by Murillo
- 1sh6p multi Adoration of the Shepherds, by Guido Reni
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