Stamps of Australia, 14x13.5 perf

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1937, May 10 1937 issue wmk. mult small crown & CofA p. 14x13.5
X 5d redvio Merino sheep 1938

1940, Jul 15 armed forces issue
X 1d grn nurse sailor soldier & aviator
X 2d red nurse sailor soldier & aviator
- 3d bl nurse sailor soldier & aviator
- 6d brn nurse sailor soldier & aviator

1941, Dec 10 ovpted
- 5 1/2d on 5d redvio Merino sheep 1938

1949, Apr 11 1949 issue
- 5sh red arms of Australia
X 10sh pur arms of Australia
- 1lb bl arms of Australia
X 2lb grn arms of Australia (1950)

1981, Feb 18 Tony Rafty caricatures unwmk
X 22c multi Darby Munro
- 35c multi Victor Trumper
- 55c multi
- 60c multi

1981, Sep 16 International Year of the Disabled issue
X 24c multi wheelchair basketball

1983, Jun 8 St John Ambulance 100th issue
X 27c multi

1987, Jun 24 The Man from Snowy River (5 stamps)
X 36c multi station
X 36c multi Mountain Bred
X 36c multi Terrible Descent
X 36c multi Heels
X 36c multi Brought Them Back

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