Stamps of Gibraltar, Nov of any year

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1889, Nov Spanish currency issue Queen Victoria wmk. crown & CA p. 14 (8 stamps)
X 5c grn Queen Victoria
X 10c carrose Queen Victoria
X 25c ultra Queen Victoria
X 40c orgbrn Queen Victoria
- 50c vio Queen Victoria
X 75c olgrn Queen Victoria
- 1p bis Queen Victoria
X 5p bl Queen Victoria

1966, Nov 15 wmk. mult crown & script CA (no perf info)
X 2sh ultra & blk Our Lady of Europa

1967, Nov 1 Christmas 1967 issue
X 2p multi Holy Family
X 6p multi

1968, Nov 1 Christmas 1968 issue p. 14.5x13.5
X 4p shepherd&lamb&star
X 9p Mary & Jesus & lamb

1969, Nov 6 uniforms (1969 Gibraltar) p. 14
X 1p multi Royal Artillery officer, 1758
X 6p multi Royal Anglian Regiment
X 9p multi Royal Engineers
X 2sh multi Royal Marines

1972, Nov 20 Silver Wedding 1972 issue (no perf info)
X 5p car & multi Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip & keys & narcissus
X 7p slgrn & multi Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip & keys & narcissus

1973, Nov 14 Princess Anne's Wedding issue
X 6p blgrn & multi Princess Anne & Mark Phillips
X 14p grn & multi Princess Anne & Mark Phillips

1974, Nov 5 Christmas 1974 issue p. 14
X 4p gold & multi Virgin with the Green Cushion by Solario
X 6p gold & multi Madonna of the Meadow by Bellini

1974, Nov 30 Churchill 100th issue
X 6p multi Winston Churchill & Parliament
X 20p multi Winston Churchill & battleship

1975, Nov 25 Christmas 1975 issue (6 stamps)
- 6p multi child & bird
- 6p multi
- 6p multi
- 6p multi
- 6p multi
- 6p multi

1976, Nov 3 Christmas 1976 issue - stained glass windows (1976)
X 6p multi
X 9p multi
X 12p multi
X 20p multi

1977, Nov 2 Christmas 1977 issue - Rubens paintings (1977 Gibraltar) (no perf info)
X 3p multi Annunciation
X 9p multi The Adoration of the Magi Rubens
X 12p multi The Adoration of the Magi Rubens
X 15p multi The Holy Family under the Apple Tree Rubens

1978, Nov 1 Christmas 1978 issue - Durer paintings (1978) wmk. crown & CA spiral
X 5p multi Christmas 1978 - Madonna with Animals Durer
X 9p multi Christmas 1978 - The Nativity Durer
X 12p multi Christmas 1978 - Madonna with Goldfinch Durer
X 15p multi Christmas 1978 - Adoration of the Magi Durer

1979, Nov 14 Christmas 1979 / IYC issue - children (6 stamps)
- 12p multi
- 12p multi
- 12p multi
- 12p multi
- 12p multi
- 12p multi

1980, Nov 12 Christmas 1980 issue wmk. mult crown & script CA
X 15p multi Three Kings & Holy Family
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