Stamps of Senegal, 14 perf

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1969, Jul 26 unwmk p. 14
- 15fr multi arms of Casamance .20 .20

1969, Jul 26
- 20fr multi arms of Goree Island .20

1972, Jul 22 Olympics 1972 issue (5 stamps)
- 15fr multi wrestling
- 20fr multi
- 100fr multi basketball
- 125fr multi
- 240fr multi

1979, Dec 10 paintings by Friedensreich Hundertwasser
- 60fr multi trees
- 100fr multi head
- 200fr multi Windows

1982, Jan 11 140th Anniversary of the Birth of Lat Dior issue
- 80fr multi Lat Dior
- 500fr multi Lat Dior Riding with his Troops

1985, Nov 30 International Youth Year issue
- 40fr multi .20
- 50fr multi .20
- 90fr multi
- 125fr multi

1986, Jan 28 fishing (1986) (5 stamps)
- 40fr multi Men Launching Fishing Boat .20
- 50fr multi women sitting on beach .20
- 100fr multi man Carrying fish
- 125fr multi Women Sorting Fish
- 150fr multi People Surrounding Fishing Boat on the Beach

1987, Jan 22 Paris-Dakar Rally 1987 issue
- 340fr multi Car Eiffel tower Huts

1987, Aug 31 20th Anniversary of Intelsat issue
- 50fr multi .20
- 125fr multi Satellite & Emblem
- 150fr multi
- 200fr multi globe & satellite

1987, Oct 8 40th Anniversary of the United Nations issue
- 85fr multi UNO Building & Emblem
- 95fr multi emblem
- 150fr multi Hands of Different Races & Emblem

1987, Oct 27 100th Anniversary of the Death of Lat Dior issue
- 130fr multi Battle of Dekhele
- 160fr multi Lat-Dior on His Horse “Maalaw”

1987, Dec 4 animals of Djoudj National Park (6 stamps)
- 115fr multi African Openbill Anastomus lamelligerus
- 125fr multi Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus
- 135fr multi Pink-backed Pelican Pelecanus rufescens Greater Flamingo
- 300fr multi pink-backed pelican Pelecanus rufescens
- 350fr multi Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus
- 350fr multi Pink-backed Pelican Pelecanus rufescens Greater Flamingo

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