Stamps of Colombia, 12 perf

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1902 1902c Medellin issue arms of Colombia unwmk p. 12 (8 stamps)
X 1c grn arms of Colombia
X 2c sal arms of Colombia .20–.30 .30–1.00
X 5c bl arms of Colombia .20–.30 .30–1.00
X 10c ltbrn arms of Colombia .20–.30 .30–1.00
X 20c pur arms of Colombia .20–.30 .30–1.00
X 50c dlrose arms of Colombia 1.00–10. 1.00–10.
X 1p blk, yel arms of Colombia 1.00–10. 1.00–10.
X 5p sl, bl arms of Colombia 10.–100 10.–100

1904 1904 issue v. Lit. Medellin (9 stamps)
X 1/2c yel numeral
X 1c grn numeral
X 2c rose numeral
- 5c bl numeral
X 10c vio numeral
X 20c blk numeral
- 1p brn arms
- 5p Marroquin
- 10p Marroquin

1910, Aug Colombia independence 100th issue (8 stamps)
X 1/2c vio & blk Camilo Torres
X 1c grn Policarpa Salavarrieta
X 2c scar Narino
X 5c dpbl Bolivar
- 10c plum de Caldas 1.00–10. 1.00–10.
- 20c blkbrn Santander
- 1p dkvio Bolivar demanding liberation of slaves
- 10p cl Bolivar resigning

1918 ovpted
- 1/2c on 20c blk numeral

1934, Dec
X 5c brn coffee picking

1935, Mar 1935 issue
X 10c org gold mining

1939, Mar 3 1939 issue wmk. wavy lines & C multiple (8 stamps)
X 1c grn Bolivar
X 2c red oil wells
X 5c brn coffee picking
X 10c redorg gold mining
X 15c dpbl seal
X 20c blk Columbus
X 30c ol Caldas
- 40c Sabana

1940 1940 issue (5 stamps)
X 8c car & grn tobacco
X 15c bl Santander (1943)
X 20c dkgray Garcia Rovira (1941)
X 40c brn Galan (1941)
X 1p blk Antonio José de Sucre

1944 ovpted
X 5c on 10c redorg gold mining

1944 1944b issue litho print unwmk
X 1c olgrn Bolivar

1945, Jul 19 ovpted wmk. wavy lines & C multiple
X 5c brn ovpt, coffee picking
X 5c brn ovpt, coffee picking
X 5c brn ovpt, coffee picking

1945, Nov 15
- 50c olblk Cartagena clock tower

1946, Apr 16
X 1c bisbrn & turqgrn Sucre
X 2c vio & rosecar Sucre
X 5c olbrn & bl Sucre
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