Stamps of China - Port Arthur & Dairen, no quantity defined

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1948, May 1 1948b issue wmk. chars (no perf info)
- 100y brn ++on=20f

1948, Jun 1 1948bb issue
- 10y grn ++on=2f
- 50y carbrn ++on=1f

1948, Nov 1 Russian Revolution 31st issue
- 10y carrose ++on=1f
- 50y grn ++on=2f
- 100y yelol ++on=4f

1948, Nov 15 Kwantung Exhibition issue
- 10y grn ++on=2f
- 50y carbrn ++on=20f

1949 1949c issue (no wmk info) (7 stamps)
- 7y grn ++on=5$-Red surcharge
- 7y grn ++on=5$-Black surcharge
- 50y grn ++on=5$
- 100y yeloch ++on=10$
- 500y yelorg ++on=10$
- 500y grn ++on=5$
- 500y yelorg ++on=10$

1949, Apr 1 1949b issue
- 5y grn
- 10y yelorg
- 50y red
- 50y red

1949, May 1 Labor Day 1949 issue
- 10y rose
- 10y red Thick paper

1949, Jul 1 28th Anniversary of Chinese Communist Party issue
- 50y red
- 50y orgred

1949, Sep 3 4th Anniversary of Victory over Japan issue
- 10y red & bl
- 10y red & bl

1949, Nov 7 32th Anniversary of the October Revolution issue
- 10y grn Bluish paper
- 10y grn Yellowish paper

1949, Nov 16 PRC founding issue
- 35y 1.00–10. 1.00–10.

1949, Dec 20 Stalin 70th issue
- 20y
- 35y

1950 Gate of Heavenly Peace (5 stamps)
- 10y prusbl Gate of Heavenly Peace
- 20y dlgrn Gate of Heavenly Peace
- 35y red Gate of Heavenly Peace
X 50y dkpur Gate of Heavenly Peace
- 100y lilrose Gate of Heavenly Peace
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