Stamps of Canada - Newfoundland, 13.5 perf

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1932 1932 issue - pictorial (1932) wmk. arms (Newfoundland) p. 13.5 (5 stamps)
- 4c dpvio Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII), 1932
X 5c vio caribou
- 5c viobrn caribou
X 6c dlbl Princess Elizabeth
X 20c dlgrn beacon at Cape Race

1933, Aug 3 Gilbert annexation 350th issue (8 stamps)
X 2c grn Compton Castle
X 3c orgbrn
X 4c dkrose Eton college
X 5c dkpur Token from Queen Elizabeth I
X 9c ultra Fleet arriving St Johns
X 10c redbrn Annexation of Newfoundland
X 15c purbrn Gilbert on the Squirrel
X 32c olgray Gilbert statue at Truro

1937, May 12 1937 issue
X 24c dpbl loading iron ore & King George VI

1938, May 12 1938 issue
X 2c grn King George VI
X 3c car Queen Elizabeth
X 4c ltbl Princess Elizabeth
- 7c dkultra Queen Mother Mary

1939, Jun 17 Royal Visit 1939 issue
X 5c dkbl Queen Elizabeth & arms of Newfoundland & King George VI

1939, Nov 20 ovpted
X 2c on 5c dkbl Queen Elizabeth & arms of Newfoundland & King George VI
X 4c on 5c dkbl Queen Elizabeth & arms of Newfoundland & King George VI

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