Stamps of Iran, unwmk watermark

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1551 to 1600 of 1624


1953, Jan 21 1953 air issue unwmk (no perf info)
- 200r blgrn plane & Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

1953, Feb 20 Discovery of oil at Qom issue
- 3r vio & org
- 5r sep & org
- 10r yelgrn & org
- 20r pur & org


1902 1902 official issue p. 12.5
- 5ch
- 10ch
- 12ch

1903 1903 official issue (no perf info) (11 stamps)
- 1c
- 2c
- 3c
- 5c
- 10c brn
- 12c bl
- 1k pur
- 2k ultra
- 5k redbrn
- 10k red
- 50k grn

1911 1911 official issue p. 12.5x12 (8 stamps)
- 1s org & redbrn
- 2s redbrn & vio
- 3s redbrn & yelgrn
- 6s brickred & redbrn
- 9s
- 10s redbrn & redlil
- 1k multi
- 2k multi

1940 1941 official issue (no perf info) (14 stamps)
- 5d rosepur
- 10d lil
- 25d rose
- 50d brnol
- 75d graypur
- 1r ltgrn
- 1 1/2r bl
X 2r ltbl
- 3r purbrn
- 5r graygrn
- 10r brn & dkbl
- 20r bl & rosepur
- 30r vio & grn
- 50r blgrn & brn

parcel post

- 26ch orgbrn


1948, Jan 30 Restoration of the Tomb of Avicenna issue (5 stamps)
- 50d+25d emer Lion & taurus Persepolis, p. 13x13.5
- 1r+50d red Persian bodyguard Persepolis
- 2 1/2r+1 1/4r bl Palace of Darius I Persepolis, p. 13x13.5
- 5r+2 1/2r vio Tomb of Cyrus II Pasargad, p. 13x13.5
- 10r+5r pur Darius I receives noble Medes Persepolis, p. 13x13.5

1949, Jun 11 Restoration of the Tomb of Avicenna 1949 a issue (no perf info)
- 50+25d grn
- 1r+50d red
- 2 1/2+1 1/2R bl
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1551 to 1600 of 1624