Stamps, 3 issue sortpos

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1957 1957 official c issue Resmi 1957 unwmk p. 10.75 (10 stamps)
X 10k orgbrn Resmi 1957
X 15k ltvio Resmi 1957
X 20k red Resmi 1957
X 30k grayol Resmi 1957
X 40k brnvio Resmi 1957
X 50k grnblk Resmi 1957
X 60k yelgrn Resmi 1957
X 75k yelorg Resmi 1957
X 100k grn Resmi 1957
X 200k dprose Resmi 1957

postage due

1901 1901 due b issue p. 13.25
- 10pa blk & rose
- 20pa blk & rose
- 1pi blk & rose
- 2pi blk & rose



1964 1953c issue wmk. St Edwards crown & CA (10 stamps)
- 5c grn minaret, p. 12x13.5 (1965) .20–.30 .20–.30
- 10c org camel transport, p. 12 .20 .20
- 15c prusgrn Crater, Aden, p. 12 .20
- 25c car mosque, p. 12 .20
X 35c dkbl dhow, p. 12x13.5
X 50c dlbl map of Arabia, p. 12x13.5
X 70c gray salt works, p. 12x13.5
- 1sh vio & blk dhow building, p. 12
- 1sh25c blk & ltbl colony badge, p. 12x13.5
- 2sh car & blk levy, p. 12x13.5 (1965) 1.00–10. 1.00–10.

Kathiri State of Seiyun

1966, Oct 25 ITU 100th c issue unwmk
- 75f blk & lil Satellite OGO 5, p. 13.5
- 75f blk & org Satellite OGO 5, imperf

1967 Paintings by Renoir a issue p. 13 (8 stamps)
- 10f multi Two sisters
- 35f multi Two girls at the piano
- 50f multi Madame Charpentier and her Children, detail
- 65f multi Au Jardin du Luxembourg
- 75f multi Jean Renoir drawing
- 100f multi Young girl with a red feathered hat
- 200f multi Pink and Blue
- 250f multi Mademoiselle lrene Cahen d'Anvers

1967, Aug 9 J.F. Kennedy and Space Exploration s/s issue p. 12.5
- 100f multi Kennedy's portrait and rocket
- 250f multi Kennedy, Wright Brothers' plane and Mercury capsule

1968 Paintings by Vincent van Gogh s/s issue p. 13.25
- 250f multi Madame Ginoux

Quaiti State in Hadhramaut

1966, Apr 1 President Kennedy Commemoration issue ovpted wmk. St Edwards crown & CA p. 11.5x13
- 20f on 35c bl building
- 25f on 50c org date cultivation
- 35f on 70c brn agriculture

1966, Aug 11 Pre-Olympic Games, Mexico issue unwmk
- 75f sep & grn Mexican Hat and Basket, p. 13.5
- 75f sep & grn Mexican Hat and Basket, imperf

1966, Dec 1 International Co-operation Year s/s issue
- 25f multi Olympic runner, p. 13.5
- 25f multi Olympic runner, imperf

1967 Painting by Pierre-Auguste Renoir a issue p. 13.5
- 25f multi The Clown
- 100f multi Dance at Bougival
- 150f multi The Breakfast
- 500f multi The Umbrellas

1967, Nov 26 Olympic Winter Games, Grenoble a issue p. 13.5x13
- 5f multi cross-country skiing
- 10f multi Ice Hockey
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