Stamps of Gibraltar, 2 issue sortpos

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1999, May 19 Wings of Prey - Birds issue wmk. mult crown & script CA (no perf info)
- 42p multi lesser kestrel Falco naumanni
- 42p multi Falco tinnunculus

2000, Apr 17 European Football Championships 2000 issue p. 12.5 (5 stamps)
- 30p multi
- 30p multi
- 42p multi
- 42p multi
- 54p multi

2000, Sep 15 Wings of Prey II - Birds issue p. 14.5x14
- 42p multi merlin Falco columbarius - Male
- 42p multi Bonelli's eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus
- 42p multi merlin Falco columbarius - Female

2001, Feb 1 Europa 2001 issue (no perf info)
- 30p multi Hippocampus ramulosus
- 40p multi Antirrhinum majus
- 42p multi Larus cachinnans michahellis
- 54p multi Carassius auratus

2001, Sep 3 Wings of Prey III - Birds issue p. 14.5x14
- 40p multi Falco subbuteo
- 40p multi Accipiter nisus
- 40p multi Circus aeruginosus

2002, Sep 15 Rock of Gibraltar issue (no perf info)
- 30p multi
- 30p multi
- multi
- multi

2003, Sep 15 mushrooms 2003 issue - mushrooms (2003 Gibraltar) unwmk
- 30p multi
- 30p multi
- 30p multi
- 1.20£ multi

2004, Jun 6 60th Anniversary of D-Day issue
- 38p multi
- 40p multi
- 47p multi
- multi

2005, Jun 17 75th Anniversary of the Gibraltar Museum issue
- 47p multi

2005, Oct 21 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar - joint issue Gibraltar-Isle of Man issue
- multi Horatio Viscount Nelson
- multi Horatio Viscount Nelson, p. 13.25

2006, Feb 20 Manta Ray issue (no perf info)
- 38p multi Mobula mobular
- 40p multi Mobula mobular
- 47p multi Mobula mobular
- multi Mobula mobular

2006, Sep 15 200th Anniversary of the Gibraltar Packet Agency issue - sailing ships (2006)
- 8p multi
- 40p multi
- 42p multi
- 68p multi

2006, Nov 1 500th Anniversary of the Death of Christopher Columbus issue (5 stamps)
- 40p multi p. 13
- 42p multi p. 13
- 66p multi p. 13
- 78p multi p. 13
- 1.60£ multi

2007, Feb 28 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome issue (5 stamps)
- 40p multi p. 15x14
- 40p multi flag of Germany & stars
- 40p multi flag of France & stars
- 40p multi flag of Italy & stars
- 40p multi flag of Luxembourg & stars
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