Airmail stamps of Spain

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1930, Oct 10 Spanish-American Union Exhibition issue unwmk (no perf info) (7 stamps)
- 10c dkolgrn
- 25c ultra
- 50c graybl
- 50c blk
- 1p grn
- 1p carrose
- 4p slbl

1931, Oct 10 3rd Pan-American Postal Union Congress issue p. 12 (6 stamps)
- 5c brnvio
- 10c dkgrn View of Madrid from the West
- 25c ver View of Madrid from the West
- 50c bl plane over Fuente de Cibeles
- 1p vio plane over Fuente de Cibeles
- 4p blk View from street of Alcalá in Madrid

1931, Dec 9 Montserrat Monastery 900th issue plane over Monastery of Montserrat p. 11.25 (5 stamps)
- 5c plane over Monastery of Montserrat
- 10c grn plane over Monastery of Montserrat
- 25c plane over Monastery of Montserrat
- 50c org plane over Monastery of Montserrat
- 1p sl plane over Monastery of Montserrat

1935, Jun 1 1935 autogiro issue
- 2pta bl white sky, p. 11.25
- 2pta bl lines in the sky

1936, Feb 14 Madrid Press Association 40th issue p. 12.5 (15 stamps)
- 1c carrose
- 2c brn
- 5c dkbrn
- 10c dkgrn
- 15c graybl
- 20c vio
- 25c pur
- 30c red
- 40c org
- 50c ltbl
- 60c grayol
- 1pta blk
- 2pta ultra
- 4pta
- 10pta purbrn

1936, Apr 3 National Philatelic Exhibition 1936 issue imperf
- 10c red
- 15c dkbl

1936, Aug 1 Flight from Manila to Madrid by Antonio Arnaiz and Juan Calvo issue
- 30c ltrd p. 11.25
- 30c ltrd Perf: 14

1938, Apr 13 7th Anniversary of the Republic issue
- 2.50pta ltrd

1938, May 17 1938 air b issue p. VARIOUS
- 50Cs graybl
- 1pta bl

1938, Jun 1 p. 11.5
- 5p multi

1938, Jun 15 1938 air issue (no perf info) (5 stamps)
- 50c
- 1pta
- 1.25Pta
- 1.50Pta
- 2pta

1939, Jan 1939 air issue p. 11
- 20c redorg autogiro & Cierva
- 25c dkcar autogiro & Cierva
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