Newspaper stamps of Austria

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1851, Jan 1 1851 newspaper issue (no wmk info) imperf
- 0.60kr bl Mercury
- 6kr yel Mercury
- 6kr ver Mercury (1856)
- 30kr rose Mercury

1858, Nov 1 1858 newspaper issue (no perf info)
- 1.05kr bl
- 1.05kr pur

1860, Dec 21 imperf
- 1.05kr gray Emperor Franz Joseph

1863 wmk. MARKEN
- 1.05kr gray

1867, Jun 1
- 1kr vio Mercury

1880, Dec 1 (no perf info)
- 1/2Kr grn

1899, Dec 20 1899 newspaper issue unwmk
- 2h dkbl
- 6h org
- 10h yelbrn
- 20h carred

1901 1901 newspaper issue
- 2h dkbl
- 6h org
- 10h yelbrn
- 20h carred

1908 1908 newspaper issue
- 2h ultra
- 6h redorg
- 10h car
- 20h brn

1916, Oct 1 1916 newspaper issue (5 stamps)
- 2h brn
- 4h grn
- 6h ultra
- 10h red
- 30h red

1919, Jan 1 1919 newspaper issue (5 stamps)
- 2h brn
- 4h grn
- 6h ultra
- 10h red
- 30h red

1920 1920 newspaper issue Mercury (18 stamps)
- 2h blvio Mercury
- 4h yelbrn Mercury
- 5h graygrn Mercury
- 6h grnbl Mercury
- 8h yelgrn Mercury
- 9h och Mercury
- 10h red Mercury
- 12h bl Mercury
- 15h graypur Mercury
- 18h blgrn Mercury
- 20h org Mercury
- 30h brnorg Mercury
- 45h grn Mercury
- 60h dkredvio Mercury
- 72h brn Mercury
- 90h blvio Mercury
- 1.20kr red Mercury
- 2.40kr yelgrn Mercury
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