Postage stamps of Colombia - Boyaca

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1899 1899 issue unwmk p. 13.5
X 5c grn Diego Mendoza Pérez, wove paper
- 5c grn Diego Mendoza Pérez, laid paper
- 5c grn, bluish Diego Mendoza Pérez, laid paper

1903 1903a issue p. 12 (10 stamps)
- 10c dkgray arms of Colombia
- 10c bl arms of Colombia
X 10c org Bolivar statue (1904)
X 20c redbrn arms of Colombia
- 50c grn Próspero Pinzón
X 50c dlbl Próspero Pinzón
- 1p red numeral
- 1p brnred numeral
X 5p blk, rose Boyaca battle monument
X 10p blk, buff Marroquin

1903 1903b issue imperf (8 stamps)
X 10c dkgray arms of Colombia
- 10c org Bolivar statue (1904)
X 20c brn arms of Colombia
- 20c dkbrn arms of Colombia
- 1p red numeral
- 1p brnred numeral
- 5p blk, rose Boyaca battle monument
- 10p blk, buff Marroquin

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