Stamps, Bermudan shells design type

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2002, Sep 10 Bermudan shells wmk. mult crown & script CA (no perf info) (6 stamps)
- 5 multi Slit Worm-shell
- 10c multi Netted Olive
- 35 multi Noble Wentletrap
- 45 multi Zigzag Scallop
- 50 multi Bermuda Cone
- 8.00 multi Sunrise Tellin

2003, Jan 23 Bermudan shells issue - Bermudan shells (12 stamps)
- 20c multi Angular Triton, p. 14
X 25c multi Frog Shell
X 30c multi Colourful Atlantic Moon
- 40c multi Atlantic Trumpet Triton
X 75c multi Very Distorted Distorsio
- 80c multi Purple Sea Snail
- 90c multi flame helmet
X $1.00 multi Scotch Bonnet
X 2.00 multi Gold Mouth Triton
- 3.00 multi Bermuda's Slit Shell
- 4.00 multi Reticulated Cowrie-helmet
X $5 multi Dennison's Morum

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