Stamps, parrots (2015) design type

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Central African Republic


2015, Dec 15 Parrots 2015 issue - parrots (2015) unwmk (no perf info) (5 stamps)
- 900fr multi Ara macao
- 900fr multi Ara glaucogularis
- 900fr multi Ara chloropterus
- 900fr multi Ara ararauna
- 3000fr multi Psitaccus erithacus

Sierra Leone

2015, Oct 23 Parrots 2015 b issue - parrots (2015) p. 13.25
- 6000le multi Psittacus erithacus
- 6000le multi Regent Parrot - Polytelis anthopeplus
- 6000le multi Ara macao
- 6000le multi Ara ararauna

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