Stamps, $6 denom

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2007, Apr 2 Mushrooms 2007 issue - mushrooms (2007) unwmk (no perf info)
- $6 multi Pleurotus djamor

2007, Apr 2 Orchids 2007 issue - orchids (2007 Antigua)
- $6 multi Osmoglossum pulchellum

2007, May 1 Royal Wedding Anniversary issue
- $6 multi

2007, May 1 50th Anniversary of the Death of Qi Baishi issue
- $6 multi

2007, Jun 20 100th Anniversary of Helicopter issue
- $6 multi

2007, Jul 30 10th Anniversary of the Death of Princess Diana issue
- $6 multi

2008, May 14 ISRAEL 2008 issue
- $6 multi

2008, Jul 29 50th Anniversary of Space Exploration issue
- $6 multi
- $6 multi

2009, Nov 4 Barack Obama Meeting with Pope Benedict XVI issue
- $6 multi

2009, Nov 12 Chinese Aviation Centenary issue
- $6 multi

2009, Nov 13 40th Anniversary of the First Man on the Moon issue
- $6 multi

2009, Nov 26 Elvis Presley in King Creole issue
- $6 multi
- $6 multi
- $6 multi
- $6 multi

2009, Dec 3 Michael Jackson memorial b issue
- $6 multi

2009, Dec 8 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Vere Cornwell Bird issue
- $6 multi

2010, May 10 100th Anniversary of Girlguiding issue
- $6 multi

2010, Dec 20 Cats 2010 issue - cats (2010 Antigua)
- $6 multi

2010, Dec 20 100th Anniversary of the Death of Henri Dunant issue
- $6 multi

2011, Feb 14 Royal Engagement 2011 issue
- $6 multi Prince William
- $6 multi Prince William

2011, Apr 4 Beatification of Pope John Paul II issue
- $6 multi Pope John Paul II

2011, May 9 Mushrooms 2011 issue - mushrooms (2011 Antigua)
- $6 multi Austroboletus rostrupii
- $6 multi Austroboletus festivus

2011, Aug 15 Royal Wedding 2011 issue
- $6 multi Prince William & Catherine Middleton

2011, Aug 15 Shells of the Caribbean issue - shells of the Caribbean
- $6 multi Charonia tritonis
- $6 multi Cassis tuberosa

2011, Sep 9 50th Anniversary of the Inauguration of J. F. Kennedy issue
- $6 multi

2011, Sep 9 50th Anniversary of the Birth of Barack Obama issue
- $6 multi Barack Obama

2011, Sep 9 50th Anniversary of the First Manned Space Flight issue
- $6 multi Vostok 1
- $6 multi Yuri Gagarin

2011, Sep 9 50th Anniversary of the Birth of Princess Diana b issue
- $6 multi Princess Diana

2011, Oct 24 CHINA 2011 issue
- $6 multi Hu Jintao

2011, Dec 19 150th Anniversary of the American Civil War b issue
- $6 multi President Abraham Lincoln

2017, Aug 14 National Geographic - Animals of the World issue
- $6 multi
- $6 multi
- $6 multi
- $6 multi

2018, Feb 27 Solar System issue
- $6 multi
- $6 multi

2018, Apr 1 Marine Mammals 2018 issue
- $6 multi

2018, May 29 65th Anniversary of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II issue
- $6 multi

2018, May 29 Caribbean Reef Octopus issue
- $6 multi Octopus briareus

2018, Jul 25 Donald Trump Visits Vatican City issue
- $6 multi

2018, Jul 25 Corals and Sponges of the Caribbean issue
- $6 multi

2018, Jul 25 Flora - Flowers of Antigua and Barbuda issue
- $6 multi Bougainvillea

2018, Jul 25 Scalloped Hammerhead issue - Scalloped Hammerhead
- $6 multi

2018, Aug 22 Muhammad Ali memorial issue
- $6 multi
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