Stamps, $6 denom

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1997, Mar 10 African Butterflies and birds (1997) unwmk (no perf info)
- $6 multi Euphaedra neophron

1997, Apr 10 50th Anniversary of UNESCO issue
- $6 multi
- $6 multi

1997, Apr 24 endangered species (1997 Antigua)
- $6 multi Alcedo cristata
- $6 multi Balearica regulorum
- $6 multi Otocyon megalotis

1997, Jun 12 Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip Golden Wedding issue
- $6 multi

1997, Jun 12 50th Anniversary of the Death of Paul Harris issue
- $6 multi

1997, Jun 12 PACIFIC '97 issue
- $6 multi

1997, Jun 12 175th Anniversary of the Publication of Brother Grimm's "Cinderella" issue
- $6 multi

1997, Aug 12 Mushrooms 1997 issue - mushrooms (1997 Antigua)
- $6 multi Panellus serotinus
- $6 multi Amanita cothurnata

1997, Aug 19 Orchids of the World issue - orchids (1997 Antigua)
- $6 multi Paphiopedilum gratrixianum
- $6 multi Miltonia "Seine"

1997, Oct 6 World Cup 1998 in 1997 issue
- $6 multi L. Matthaus and Pierre Littbarski
- $6 multi Bebeto

1997, Oct 27 kittens 1997 issue - kittens (1997)
- $6 multi Felis domesticus

1997, Oct 27 puppies 1997 issue - puppies (1997)
- $6 multi Canis familiaris

1997, Nov 10 Railways - The Early Years issue
- $6 multi "Patente" of George Stephenson
- $6 multi Isambard Kingdom Brunel's Trestle Bridge

1997, Dec 2 Christmas 1997 issue - paintings (1997 Antigua)
- $6 multi "The Wedding of Tobias" - Gianantonio a
- $6 multi "The Portinari Altarpiece" - Hugo van de

1998, Jan 19 Princess Diana memorial issue
- $6 multi
- $6 multi

1998, Feb 19 fishes (1998 Antigua)
- $6 multi Gramma malecara
- $6 multi Anisotremus virginicus

1998, Mar 16 175th Anniversary of the Cedar Hall Moravian Church issue
- $6 multi

1998, Apr 20 lighthouses (1998 Antigua)
- $6 multi Cape Hatteras Lighthouse

1998, May 11 A Year with Winnie the Pooh and His Friends issue
- $6 multi
- $6 multi
- $6 multi
- $6 multi

1998, Jul 23 100th Anniversary of the Thomas Oliver Robinson Memorial School issue
- $6 multi

1998, Aug 17 International Year of the Ocean issue
- $6 multi Megaptera novaeangliae

1998, Aug 17 International Year of the Ocean b issue
- $6 multi Trygonorhina fasciata

1998, Aug 18 Ships of the World issue
- $6 multi
- $6 multi
- $6 multi

1998, Sep 1 antique automobiles
- $6 multi Ford (1929)
- $6 multi Ford (1908)

1998, Sep 21 Aircraft Towards 2000 issue
- $6 multi McDonnell-Douglas F/A-18A Hornet
- $6 multi Suchoi Su-35

1998, Nov 10 Famous People and Events from the 20th Century issue
- $6 multi Hans Geiger
- $6 multi William Shockley

1998, Nov 18 19th World Jamboree issue
- $6 multi Robert Baden-Powell

1998, Nov 18 50th Anniversary of the Death of Mahatma Gandhi issue
- $6 multi

1998, Nov 18 25th Anniversary of the Death of Pablo Picasso issue
- $6 multi

1998, Nov 18 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Enzo Ferrari issue
- $6 multi Dino 246 GT-GTS

1998, Nov 18 80th Anniversary of the Royal Air Force issue p. 14.25
- $6 multi Hawker Hurricane and Eurofighter
- $6 multi Bristol F.2B and Aquila chrysaetos
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