Stamps of Sweden, 22 Aug 1989

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1989, Aug 22 Smaland industries unwmk (no perf info) (6 stamps)
- 2.30k multi lounger
- 2.30k multi Industries of Smaland - Tools for Furniture
- 2.30k multi sewing machine
- 2.30k multi glassblowing
- 2.30k multi coathanger hook & mousetrap spring
- 2.30k multi match

1989, Aug 22 polar exploration (1989) (6 stamps)
- 3.30k multi
- 3.30k multi
- 3.30k multi
- 3.30k multi penguins & sailing ship
- 3.30k multi sno-cat & helicopter
- 3.30k multi south polar skua Catharacta maccormicki Geodimeter

1989, Aug 22 p. 12.75v
- 30kr multi eagle owl

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