Stamps of Bhutan, 24 Jul 2000

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2000, Jul 24 Olympics 2000 issue unwmk (no perf info)
- 20nu multi Jesse Owens (U.S.A.) (Berlin, 1936)
- 20nu multi
- 20nu multi
- 20nu multi

2000, Jul 24 50th Anniversary of Berlin Film Festival issue (7 stamps)
- 25nu multi
- 25nu multi
- 25nu multi
- 25nu multi
- 25nu multi
- 25nu multi
- 100nu multi

2000, Jul 24 175th Anniversary of Opening of Stockton and Darlington Railway issue
- 50nu multi Stephenson's Rocket
- 50nu multi Steam Locomotive (Opening of London and …
- 50nu multi Northumbrian Locomotive, 1825
- 100nu multi Stockton and Darlington Railway, 1825

2000, Jul 24 Albert Einstein - Time Magazine Man of the Century issue
- 100nu multi

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