Stamps, May 1901

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South Australia


1901, May 1 1901 official issue (no wmk info) (no perf info)
- 2sh6p vio
- 5sh rose

United States


1901, May 1 Pan-American issue wmk. double line USPS p. 12 (6 stamps)
X 1c grn & blk fast lake navigation - City of Alpena
X 2c car & blk fast express train
X 4c dpredbrn & blk electric automobile
X 5c ultra & blk bridge at Niagara Falls
X 8c brnvio & blk Sault Ste Marie canal locks
X 10c yelbrn & blk SS Saint Paul


1901, May ovpted engr print unwmk (no perf info)
X 1c on 20c grn quetzal
X 2c on 20c grn quetzal

Netherlands Antilles

1901, May 1 ovpted on stamp of Netherlands
- 1.50g on 2 1/2g brnlil Queen Wilhelmina

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