Stamps of Malaysia - Johore, 30 Apr 1979

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1979, Apr 30 flowers (1979 Malaysia common) (no wmk info) (no perf info) (7 stamps)
- 1c multi Rafflesia hasseltii & Sultan Ismail of Johor
- 2c multi Pterocarpus indicus & Sultan Ismail of Johor
- 5c multi Lagerstroemia speciosa & Sultan Ismail of Johor
- 10c multi Durio zibethinus & Sultan Ismail of Johor
X 15c multi Hibiscus rosa-sinensis & Sultan Ismail of Johor
X 20c multi Rhododendron scortechinii & Sultan Ismail of Johor
- 25c multi Phaeomeria speciosa & Sultan Ismail of Johor

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