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Stamps of Ireland, 2003

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2002, Jan 1 2002 issue - birds (1997 Ireland) unwmk (10 stamps)
- 4c multi traonach corncrake Crex crex, p. 15x14
- 7c multi Saxicola torquata, p. 14x15
- 48c multi fabhcún gorm peregrine falcon
- 48c multi Motacilla alba, p. 14x15
- 48c multi Motacilla alba, p. Die Cut 11
- 48c multi fabhcún gorm peregrine falcon
- 48c multi fabhcún gorm peregrine falcon, p. 15x14
- 50c multi Fratercula arctica
- 75 multi Charadrius hiaticula, p. 15x14
- 95c multi Accipiter nisus, p. 15x14

2003, Jan 28 Year of the Goat 2003 issue (9 stamps)
- 41c multi Love - Puppies
- 41c multi Love - Puppies, p. Die Cut 11
- 41c multi Greetings - Kids, p. Die Cut 11
- 41c multi Greetings - Kittens, p. Die Cut 11
- 41c multi Greetings - Baby Rabbits, p. Serpentine Die Cut
- 41c multi Greetings - Chicks, p. Die Cut 11
- 50c multi Greetings - Kids
- 50c multi Greetings - Chicks
- 50c multi Greetings - Kittens

2003, Feb 28 St. Patrick's Day 2003 issue
- 41c multi St Patrick
- 50c multi Parade in Dublin
- 57c multi Parade in New York

2003, Feb 28 St. Patrick's Day 2003 b issue p. Die Cut 11
- 41c multi St Patrick
- 50c multi Parade in Dublin
- 57c multi Parade in New York

2003, Apr 1 beetles (2003 Ireland) (5 stamps)
- 41c multi Coccinella septempunctata
- 50c multi Great Diving Beetle Dytiscus marginalis
- 57c multi Donacia vulgaris
- 1€ multi Green Tiger Beetle Cicindela campestris
- 2€ multi Coccinella septempunctata, p. 13.5x14

2003, May 9 Europa 2003 issue p. 14x15
- 41c multi Ireland for Holidays by Paul Henry
- 57c multi Connemara Ireland this Year by Paul Henry

2003, May 9 European Year of People with Disabilities issue (no perf info)
- 41c multi

2003, May 20 Special Olympics 2003 issue
- 41c multi
- 50c multi
- 57c multi
- 1€ multi

2003, Jun 30 100th Anniversary of the Gordon Bennett Race issue (8 stamps)
- 41c multi Gordon Bennett Race - 1903 Napier
- 41c multi Gordon Bennett Race - 1903 Mercedes, p. 14.25
- 41c multi Gordon Bennett Race - 1903 Mors
- 41c multi Gordon Bennett Race - 1903 Winton
- 41c multi Gordon Bennett Race - 1903 Napier, p. Serpentine Die Cut 11x11.5
- 41c multi Gordon Bennett Race - 1903 Mercedes, p. Serpentine Die Cut 11x11.5
- 41c multi Gordon Bennett Race - 1903 Mors, p. Serpentine Die Cut 11x11.5
- 41c multi Gordon Bennett Race - 1903 Winton, p. Serpentine Die Cut 11x11.5

2003, Jun 30 100th Anniversary of Ford Automobiles issue (no perf info)
- 41c multi

2003, Jul 29 100th Anniversary of the First Flight of Wright Brothers issue
- 41c multi Harry Ferguson- First Irish-built monoplane 1908
- 50c multi Alcock Brown - First non stop Atlantic flight 1919
- 57c multi Wright Brothers 1903
- 57c multi Lillian Bland in Bland Mayfly
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