Stamps, 1986
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1986, Jan 11
40th Anniversary of the Socialist Republic of Albania issue unwmk (no perf info)
1986, Feb 20
Name Giving of the Water Work "Enver Hoxha" at Koman issue
1986, Mar 20
Local Plants (1986)
1986, Apr 20
Great Personalities (5 stamps)
1986, May 5
Freedom Fighters
1986, May 31
World Cup 1986 issue
1986, Aug 10
40th Anniversary of the Day of the Transportation Worker issue
1986, Sep 20
Great Personalities b (6 stamps)
1986, Nov 3
Congress of the Albanian Labour Party 1986 issue
1986, Nov 9
45th anniversary of Albanian Workers' Party issue
1986, Nov 29
1986 issue Statue of Mother Albania (12 stamps)
NATO meeting issue p.
1986, Apr 23
7th International Children's Festival, Ankara issue -
children's drawings (1986) p.
1986, Apr 28
Europa 1986 issue (no perf info)
1986, May 19
1st Ataturk International Peace Prize issue p.
1986, May 30
Treasures from the Topkapi Museum, 1986 issue
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