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Stamps of Sweden, 1985

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1983, May 25 1983 issue unwmk (12 stamps)
X 50o bl p. 12.5v
X 60o grn dominoes, p. 12.5v
X 70o yel p. 12.5v
X 80o multi p. 12.5v
X 90o vio p. 12.5v
X 1.60kr bl p. 12.5v
X 2kr blk King Carl XVI Gustaf, p. 12.5v
X 2.50kr yel p. 12.5v
X 2,70kr redbrn King Carl XVI Gustaf, p. 12.5v
X 3kr brn
X 3.20kr ltbl Queen Silvia, p. 12.5v
X 4kr red p. 12.5v

1985, Mar 14 Nature 1985 issue (no perf info)
X 2kr multi Common Dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius
X 2kr multi Salvelinus salvelinus
X 2.20kr multi Gymnadenia nigra
X 3.50kr multi Nymphaea alba f rosea

1985, Mar 14 World Championship Table Tennis 1985 issue p. 12.75v
X 2,70kr multi
X 3.20kr multi

1985, Apr 24 European Music Year issue (no perf info)
X 2kr multi
X 2,70kr multi

1985, Apr 24 Discount Stamps 1985 issue
X 1.80kr multi
X 1.80kr multi
X 1.80kr multi
X 1.80kr multi

1985, May 21 Canute grant to Lund Cathedral 900th issue
X 2kr multi
X 2kr multi

1985, May 21 Stockholmia '86 in 1985 issue p. 12.75
- 2kr multi
- 2kr multi
- 3kr multi
- 4kr multi

1985, May 21 Touring Club 100th issue p. 12.75v
X 2kr bl & grn
X 2kr bl & grn

1985, Aug 28 old trade signs issue - old trade signs (no perf info) (5 stamps)
X 10o bl
X 20o brn
X 20o brn
X 50o bl
X 2kr multi

1985, Aug 28 Royal Academy of Fine Arts 250th issue
X 2kr multi
X 7kr multi

1985, Oct 12
X 1.60kr multi
X 4kr multi

1985, Oct 12 International Youth Year issue p. 12.5x13
X 2kr multi
X 2,70kr multi
X 3.20kr multi

1985, Nov 21 Christmas 1985 issue (no perf info)
X 1.80kr multi The Annunciation
X 1.80kr multi The Birth of Christ
X 1.80kr multi The Adoration of the Magi
X 1.80kr multi “Mary as the Apocalyptic Virgin”

1985, Nov 21 Nobel Prizes in Literature 1985 issue p. 12.75h
- 2,70kr multi
- 2,70kr multi
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