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Stamps of Bahamas, 1975

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1975, Feb 4 butterflies (1975 Bahamas) wmk. St Edwards crown & CA p. 14
- 3c multi Anteos maerula
- 14c multi Eurema nicippe
- 18c multi Papilio andraemon bonhotei
- 21c multi Euptoieta hegesia

1975, May 27 diversifying the economy unwmk
X 3c grn & multi sheep
X 14c multi electric reel fishing
X 18c multi Growing Food
X 21c multi oil refinery

1975, Jul 22 International Women's Year issue wmk. crown & CA spiral
X 14c multi Rowena Rand & symbols
X 18c multi abstract plant & IWY emblem

1975, Dec 2 Christmas 1975 issue - paintings (1975 Bahamas)
X 3c dkgrn & multi Adoration of the Shepherds by Perugino
X 8c dkvio & multi Adoration of the Kings by Ghirlandaio
X 18c pur & multi Adoration of the Kings by Ghirlandaio
X 21c mar & multi Adoration of the Shepherds by Perugino

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