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Stamps of Italy, 1955

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1955, Jan 24 wmk. winged wheel p. 14
X 25l bl & vio Silvio Pellico

1955, Mar 1 1955a issue - occupations (1950) wmk. stars (7 stamps)
X 50c blvio blacksmith
X 1l dkpur l'officina
X 2l sep il cantiere
X 15l dkbl boatbuilder
X 30l redlil la vendemmia
X 50l dkvio shepherd
- 65l grn la canapa

1955, Mar 1 1955b issue (13 stamps)
X 5l gray Italia
X 10l orgred Italia
X 12l dpgrn Italia
X 13l pnk Italia
X 20l brn Italia
X 25l vio Italia
X 35l car Italia
X 60l bl Italia
X 80l orgbrn Italia
X 100l brn Italia
X 200l bl Italia
X 500l dkgrn St George
X 1000l red St George

1955, Mar 15 tax payment propaganda issue
X 25l vio Ancient coin of Syracuse

1955, Jun 6 4th World Petroleum Congress issue
X 25l grn oil derrick & aqueduct
X 60l red Ruins towers oil & globe

1955, Jul 1 Rosmini death 100th issue
X 25l dkbrn Portrait of Antonio Rosmini & Rosmini coat of arms

1955, Sep 1 International Medical Congress, Verona issue
X 25l gray & brn Portrait of Girolamo Fracastoro & Arena of Verona

1955, Oct 4 Assisi Basilica 700th issue
X 25l blk & yel Assisi Basilica

1955, Oct 15 technical education 100th issue
X 25l blgrn student & tools

1955, Nov 3 ag institute 50th&FAO 10th issue
X 60l blk & vio Statue Baths of Caracalla & FAO building

1955, Nov 3 50th Anniversary of the International Institute of Agriculture issue
X 25l brn & red reaper

1955, Nov 10 Matteoti 70th issue
X 25l redbrn Giacomo Matteotti

1955, Nov 19 Grassi death 30th issue
X 25l grn Portrait of Battista Grassi mosquito & microscope

1955, Nov 26 Fra Angelico 500th issue
- 10l blk & yel Fresco St Stephen distributes the alms
X 25l bl & yel Fresco St Lawrence distributes the goods of the Church

1955, Dec 31 Giovanni Pascoli 100th issue
X 25l grayblk Giovanni Pascoli & birds in flight


1955, Jul 7 1955 air issue
- 100l blgrn

postage due

1955, Dec 1 1955 due issue numeral (9 stamps)
- 5l vio numeral
- 8l dkredpur numeral
- 10l dkbl numeral
- 20l rosepur numeral
- 25l brnred numeral
- 50l blgrn numeral
- 50l blgrn numeral
- 100l yelorg numeral
- 100l yel numeral

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