Stamps of St. Vincent - St. Vincent Grenadines, 16 Nov 1992

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1992, Nov 16 Christmas 1992 issue unwmk (no perf info) (15 stamps)
- 10c multi Our Lady with St. Roch and St
- 40c multi "Anthony of Padua"
- 45c multi "Madonna and Child" - Orazio Gentileschi
- 50c multi "Madonna and Chile with St. Anne"
- 55c multi "The Holy Family" - Crespi
- 65c multi "Madonna and Child" - Del Sarto
- 75c multi "Madonna and Chile with St. Lawrence"
- $1 multi "Virgin and Child"
- $2 multi "Madonna with the Iris" - Style of Durer
- $3 multi "Virgin and Child with St. Jerome"
- $4 multi "Rapolano Madonna" - Ambrogio Lorenzetti
- $5 multi The Virgin and Child with Angels
- $6 multi "Madonna and Child with Grapes"
- $6 multi "Virgin and Child with St. John the Baptist
- $6 multi Madonna and Child with St. Anne"

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