Stamps of Grenada, 30 Oct 2000

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2000, Oct 30 Birds of the Caribbean issue wmk. St Edwards crown & CA (no perf info) (14 stamps)
- 25c multi Porphyrula martinica
- 40c multi Aramus guarauna
- 50c multi Himantopus mexicanus
- 60c multi Passerina ciris
- 75c multi Seicercus montis
- $1 multi Dendroica fusca
- $1.25 multi blue grosbeak Guiraca caerulea
- $1.50 multi Mniotilta varia
- $1.60 multi Myophonus caeruleus
- $3 multi common yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas
- $4 multi indigo bunting Passerina cyanea
- $5 multi Dumetella carolinensis
- $10 multi Coereba flaveola
- $20 multi Blue-grey Gnatcatcher Polioptila caerulea

2000, Oct 30 60th Anniversary of Battle of Britain issue (14 stamps)
- $1.50 multi
- $1.50 multi
- $1.50 multi
- $1.50 multi
- $1.50 multi
- $1.50 multi p. 14.25
- $1.50 multi p. 14.25
- $1.50 multi p. 14.25
- $1.50 multi p. 14.25
- $1.50 multi p. 14.25
- $1.50 multi p. 14.25
- $1.50 multi
- $6 multi p. 14
- $6 multi p. 14

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