Stamps of Italy, 20 Oct 1950

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1950, Oct 20 occupations issue - occupations (1950) wmk. winged wheel p. 14 (19 stamps)
X 50c viobl blacksmith
X 1l dkblvio l'officina
X 2l blkbrn il cantiere
X 5l dkgray il tornio
X 6l brn Il Tombolo
X 10l dkgrn weaver
X 12l blgrn mariner
X 15l dkbl boatbuilder
X 20l vio la sciabica
X 25l orgbrn la arance
X 30l redlil la vendemmia
X 35l carrose le olive
X 40l brn the carriage of wine
X 50l dkvio shepherd
X 55l dkbl l'aratro
X 60l red il raccolto
X 65l prusgrn la canapa
X 100l brnorg husking corn
- 200l olbrn woodcutter

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