Stamps of United States, 2 Oct 1996

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1996, Oct 2 Endangered Species issue - Endangered Species (1996 United States) unwmk p. 11 (15 stamps)
X 32c multi black-footed ferret
X 32c multi thick-billed parrot
X 32c multi Hawaiian monk seal
X 32c multi American crocodile
X 32c multi ocelot
X 32c multi Schaus Swallowtail Papilio aristodemus ssp ponceanus
X 32c multi Wyoming toad
X 32c multi brown pelican
X 32c multi California condor
X 32c multi Gila trout
X 32c multi San Francisco garter snake
X 32c multi woodland caribou
X 32c multi Florida panther
X 32c multi piping plover
X 32c multi Florida manatee

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