Stamps, 581 currency

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Two Sicilies


1858 1858 issue wmk. fleurs-de-lis imperf (7 stamps)
X 1/2g symbols of the Two Sicilies
- 1g symbols of the Two Sicilies
- 2g symbols of the Two Sicilies
- 5g brnrose symbols of the Two Sicilies
- 10g brnrose symbols of the Two Sicilies
- 20g symbols of the Two Sicilies
- 50g brnrose symbols of the Two Sicilies

1859, Jan 1 Ferdinand II unwmk (9 stamps)
- 1/2g org Ferdinand II
- 1g olbrn Ferdinand II
- 1g olgrn Ferdinand II
X 2g bl Ferdinand II
- 5g car Ferdinand II
- 5g ver Ferdinand II
- 10g Ferdinand II
- 20g Ferdinand II
- 50g Ferdinand II

1860, Nov 6 1860 issue wmk. fleurs-de-lis
- 1/2t dkbl symbols of the Two Sicilies
- 1/2t bl

1861 Victor Emmanuel II unwmk (8 stamps)
- 1/2t grn Victor Emmanuel II, imperf
- 1/2g bis Victor Emmanuel II, imperf
- 1g blk Victor Emmanuel II
X 2g bl Victor Emmanuel II, imperf
- 5g carrose Victor Emmanuel II
X 10g org Victor Emmanuel II, imperf
- 20g yel Victor Emmanuel II, imperf
- 50g gray Victor Emmanuel II, imperf

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