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401 to 450 of 624
- German Democratic Republic, 1950
- semipostal, 1962
- 40+20pf 
- 70+30pf 
- Guatemala, 1975
- 4c 
- Romanian occupation of Hungary, 1919
- 10b 
- Serbian occupation of Hungary
- 50f 
- Ifni, 1965
- Inhambane, 1913
- Mozambique
- Ivory Coast, 1959
- Chamba, 1886
- official
- Faridkot, 1887
- official, 1886
- 1a 
- Gwalior, 1885
- Jind
- 1a 
- 1a 
- 1886
- 1a 
- Nabha, 1885
- official
- Patiala, 1884
- 1885
- 1891
- Travancore, 1932
- Indonesia, 1951
- Netherlands Indies, 1870
- Riau, 1960
- 2.50r 
- Iraq, 1932
- Italian East Africa, airmail, 1938
- Rhodes, 1930
- 20c 
- Trieste, 1947
- Japanese offices in China, 1900
- Japanese offices in Korea
- Jamaica, 1929
- Palestine, 1927
- Lourenco Marques, 1913
- Kuwait, 1961
- Korea, 1903
- 1957
- 55h 
- Liberia, airmail, 1960
- 50c 
- Lebanon, 1924
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401 to 450 of 624