Stamps, 30 base day

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29251 to 29262 of 29262



2015, Jun 30 Birth of Princess Charlotte of Cambridge issue unwmk (no perf info)
- $3.25 multi
- $3.25 multi
- $10 multi

2015, Sep 30 Birds of the Caribbean 2015 issue (7 stamps)
- $3.15 multi Haematopus palliatus
- $3.15 multi Ardea herodias
- $3.15 multi Platalea ajaja
- $3.15 multi Falco sparverius
- $3.15 multi Fregata magnificens
- $3.15 multi Coereba flaveola
- $10 multi Icterus galbula

Dodecanese Islands

1947, Apr 30 1947b issue (no wmk info)
- 50dr grn
- 250dr redbrn
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29251 to 29262 of 29262