desc_issuer: Italy
desc_denom: 5l+2l
Used by 3 overprinted stamps:
Somalia postage 7/25/1930 5l+2l issue=Ferrucci death 400th ovpt=SOMALIA ITALIANA oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-5l+2l
Tripolitania postage 7/26/1930 5l+2l issue=Ferrucci death 400th ovpt=TRIPOLITANIA oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-5l+2l
Tripolitania airmail 7/26/1930 5l+2l issue=Ferrucci death 400st ovpt=TRIPOLITANIA oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-5l+2l
Not used by any images.
Matches 62 types:
Italy postage 8/1/1889 5l grn&cl issue=1889 dt=King Humbert I (1889) d=King Humbert I (1889 5l) wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage 5/1/1891 5l bl&rose issue=1891 d=King Humbert I (1891) wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage 10/1/1901 5l bl&rose issue=1901 d=Victor Emmanuel III (1901 b) wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage 10/24/1923 5l blk&bl issue=March on Rome 5th d=Airplanes in flight & factories wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage 12/29/1923 5l vio&blk issue=Manzoni d=Alessandro Manzoni (1923) wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage 7/27/1928 5l vio&blgrn issue=Philibert 400th d=Emmanuel Philibert in armor wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage 4/21/1929 5l rosered issue=Empire d=Romulus & Remus with the she-wolf wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage 3/14/1932 5l+2l car issue=Dante d=Ludovico Ariosto wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage 10/28/1938 5l brnred issue=proclamation of Empire d=Victor Emmanuel III (1938) wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage 5/1945 5l issue=Empire no fasces b d=She-Wolf of Rome wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Italy postage 10/1/1945 5l dkbl issue=Peace d=family & scales wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Italy postage 10/30/1946 5l vio issue=proclamation of republic d=domes of Pisa wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Italy postage 3/1/1948 5l issue=St Catherine of Siena 600th d=St Catherine with the cross wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Italy postage 5/3/1948 5l bl issue=Risorgimento 100th wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Italy postage 4/12/1949 5l red issue=Venice Art Exhibition 50th d=doges standard wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Italy postage 5/30/1949 5l dkgrn issue=European Recovery Program d=worker & ship wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Italy postage 9/11/1950 5l dprose&grn issue=European Tobacco Conference 1950 d=tobacco plant & factory wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Italy postage 10/20/1950 5l dkgray issue=occupations dt=occupations (1950) d=il tornio (Toscana) wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Italy postage 5/18/1951 5l brn&red issue=International Gymnastic Festival 1951 wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Italy postage 6/6/1953 5l dkgraygrn issue=1953 d=Italia (1953) wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Italy postage 3/1/1955 5l gray issue=1955b d=Italia (1953) wmk=stars perf=14
Italy postage 6/25/1960 5l brn issue=Olympics 1960 d=She-wolf at Rome laid paper-XVII Olympic Games wmk=stars perf=14
Italy postage 3/6/1961 5l org dt=heads from Michelangelo wmk=stars perf=14
Italy postage 2/20/1968 5l sl issue=1968 d=Italia (1953) wmk=stars perf=14
Italy postage 9/22/1980 5l multi issue=1980 dt=castles (1980) d=Sant'Angelo wmk=stars perf=14
Italy official 1875 5l lake d=numeral (1875) wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage due 1874 5l bl&brn issue=1870 due d=numeral (1870 Italy) wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage due 1903 5l bl&mag issue=1870 due d=numeral (1870 Italy) wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage due 1934 5l vio d=arms of Italy (1934 due) wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy semipostal 1/30/1926 5l+2.50l brn issue=St Francis of Assisi death 700th d=Portrait of St Francis of Assisi unwmk perf=14
Italy semipostal 6/28/1937 5l+3l gray issue=child welfare wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage 8/1/1929 5l+1l dkvio issue=Monte Cassino 1400th d=View of the Abbey of Monte Cassino wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage 3/9/1931 5l+2.50l olgrn issue=St Anthony death 700th d=St Anthony with the poor wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage 4/6/1932 5l+1l car issue=Garibaldi death 50th d=Portrait of Giuseppe Garibaldi wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy semipostal 12/24/1924 5+2.50l issue=Holy Year of Redemption d=Closing of the Holy Door perf=12
Italy airmail 1926 5l grn issue=1926 air d=Effigy of Vittorio Emanuele III within an oval perf=14
Italy semipostal 10/26/1926 5+2.50l issue=1926 semi d=Bring the people unwmk perf=11
Italy postage 5/23/1934 5+2.50l sep issue=2nd World Soccer Championship d=Save wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy semipostal 3/1/1928 5+2l red&blk issue=National Militia wmk=crown (Italy) perf=11
Italy airmail 3/12/1930 5l grn issue=1930 air d=Pegasus (1930) wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy semipostal 7/1/1930 5+1.50l brn issue=1930 National Militia wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage 10/21/1930 5+1.50l brnred issue=Virgil 2000th d=Pastoral life wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy airmail 3/14/1932 5l grn issue=Dante wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy airmail 4/6/1932 5+1l dkbrn issue=Garibaldi death 50th wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy airmail 4/24/1933 5l multi issue=Graf Zeppelin wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy airmail 7/1/1936 5+2l gray issue=Horace 2000th wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy airmail 6/28/1937 5+3l car issue=child welfare wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy airmail 9/23/1937 5+1l grayvio issue=Augustus 2000th wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy airmail 10/28/1938 5l grn issue=proclamation of Empire d=Leonardo da Vinci (1938) wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy airmail 1945 5l grn issue=1945 air d=Flight of Swallows wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Italy postage 7/10/1930 5+2l org issue=Ferrucci death 400th d=Portrait of Francesco Ferrucci wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy airmail 7/10/1930 5+2l pur issue=Ferrucci death 400th d=statue of Ferrucci wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy airmail 5/23/1934 5+2.50l ol issue=2nd World Soccer Championship wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy airmail 10/15/1935 5+2l grn issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Vincenzo Bellini wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy airmail 5/26/1962 5l grn issue=1955 air wmk=stars perf=13
Italy postage due 4/1/1945 5l vio issue=1945 due a d=arms of Italy (1934 due) wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Italy postage due 10/8/1945 5l vio issue=1945 due wmk d=arms of Italy (1934 due) wmk=winged wheel perf=14
Italy postage due 1947 5l vio issue=1947 due d=numeral (1947) wmk=winged wheel perf=14 & 11.5x13.75
Italy postage due 12/1/1955 5l vio issue=1955 due d=numeral (1947) wmk=stars perf=14
Italy pneumatic post 11/15/1947 5l blgrn issue=1947 pneumatic d=Head of Minerva wmk=winged wheel
Italy airmail 1/18/1934 5l red issue=First Flight Rome-Buenos Aires wmk=crown (Italy)
Italy airmail 11/5/1934 5l grn issue=Flight Rome-Mogadiscio / King Victor Emmanuel III 65th d=King Victor Emmanuel III wmk=crown (Italy)