Stampdesc United States, 2c

desc_issuer: United States
desc_denom: 2c

Used by 2 overprinted stamps:
Philippines postage 1903 2c issue=1903 ovpt=PHILIPPINES oc=blk on=issuer=United States-2c
Philippines postage 11/1/1904 2c ovpt=PHILIPPINES oc=blk on=issuer=United States-2c

Used by 1 (0 visible) image: See images as array

Matches 221 types in all, showing first 100:
United States postage 7/1/1863 2c blk issue=1861 d=Jackson (1863) unwmk perf=12
United States postage 1867 2c blk issue=D grill d=Jackson (1863) unwmk perf=12
United States postage 1867 2c blk issue=E grill d=Jackson (1863) unwmk perf=12
United States postage 1867 2c blk issue=F grill d=Jackson (1863) unwmk perf=12
United States postage 1867 2c blk issue=Z grill d=Jackson (1863) unwmk perf=12
United States postage 1869 2c brn issue=1869 d=Pony Express Rider (1869) unwmk perf=12
United States postage 1870 2c redbrn issue=1870 H grill d=Jackson (1870 2c) unwmk perf=12
United States postage 1870 2c redbrn issue=1870 I grill d=Jackson (1870 2c) unwmk perf=12
United States postage 1870 2c redbrn issue=1870 no grill d=Jackson (1870 2c) unwmk perf=12
United States postage 1873 2c brn issue=1873 d=Jackson (1870 2c) var=secret mark unwmk perf=12 paper=white wove
United States postage 1873 2c brn issue=J grill d=Jackson (1870 2c) var=secret mark unwmk perf=12 paper=white wove
United States postage 6/21/1875 2c ver d=Jackson (1870 2c) unwmk perf=12 paper=yellowish wove
United States postage 1879 2c ver issue=1879 d=Jackson (1870 2c) var=secret mark unwmk perf=12 paper=soft porous
United States postage 10/1/1883 2c redbrn d=Washington (1883) unwmk perf=12
United States postage 1887 2c grn d=Washington (1883) unwmk perf=12
United States postage 2/22/1890 2c car issue=1890 d=Washington (1890) unwmk perf=12
United States postage 2/22/1890 2c lake issue=1890 d=Washington (1890) unwmk perf=12
United States postage 1893 2c brnvio issue=Columbian d=landing of Columbus unwmk perf=12
United States postage 1894 2c car issue=1894 d=Washington (1894) unwmk perf=12
United States postage 1894 2c carlake issue=1894 d=Washington (1894) unwmk perf=12
United States postage 1894 2c pink issue=1894 d=Washington (1894) unwmk perf=12
United States postage 10/5/1894 2c car issue=1894 d=Washington (1894) var=2 unwmk perf=12
United States postage 1894 2c car issue=1894 d=Washington (1894) var=3 unwmk perf=12
United States postage 1895 2c car issue=1895 d=Washington (1894) var=1 wmk=double line USPS perf=12
United States postage 1895 2c car issue=1895 d=Washington (1894) var=2 wmk=double line USPS perf=12
United States postage 1895 2c car issue=1895 d=Washington (1894) var=3 wmk=double line USPS perf=12
United States postage 1/7/1898 2c red issue=1895 d=Washington (1894) var=3 wmk=double line USPS perf=12
United States postage 6/17/1898 2c copred issue=Trans-Mississippi d=farming in the West wmk=double line USPS perf=12
United States postage 5/1/1901 2c car&blk issue=Pan-American d=fast express train wmk=double line USPS perf=12
United States postage 1/17/1903 2c car issue=1902 d=Washington (1903) wmk=double line USPS perf=12
United States postage 11/12/1903 2c car d=Washington (1903 b) wmk=double line USPS perf=12
United States postage 4/30/1904 2c car issue=Louisiana Purchase d=Thomas Jefferson (1904) wmk=double line USPS perf=12
United States postage 10/2/1906 2c car d=Washington (1903 b) wmk=double line USPS imperf
United States postage 1907 2c car issue=Jamestown Exposition d=founding of Jamestown wmk=double line USPS perf=12
United States postage 1908 2c car d=Washington (1903 b) wmk=double line USPS perf=12h
United States postage 1908 2c car d=Washington (1903 b) wmk=double line USPS perf=12v
United States postage 11/16/1908 2c car issue=1908 d=Washington (1908 two cents) wmk=double line USPS perf=12
United States postage 1909 2c car issue=1908 coil h d=Washington (1908 two cents) wmk=double line USPS perf=12h
United States postage 12/10/1908 2c car issue=1908 imperf d=Washington (1908 two cents) wmk=double line USPS imperf
United States postage 1/12/1909 2c car issue=1909 v d=Washington (1908 two cents) wmk=double line USPS perf=12v
United States postage 2/16/1909 2c car pc=bluish issue=blue paper d=Washington (1908 two cents) wmk=double line USPS perf=12
United States postage 2/12/1909 2c car issue=Lincoln Memorial d=Lincoln (1909) wmk=double line USPS perf=12
United States postage 2/12/1909 2c car issue=Lincoln Memorial d=Lincoln (1909) wmk=double line USPS imperf
United States postage 2/12/1909 2c car pc=bluish issue=Lincoln Memorial d=Lincoln (1909) wmk=double line USPS perf=12
United States postage 6/1/1909 2c car issue=Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition d=William H. Seward (1909) wmk=double line USPS perf=12
United States postage 6/1/1909 2c car issue=Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition d=William H. Seward (1909) wmk=double line USPS imperf
United States postage 9/25/1909 2c car issue=Hudson-Fulton d=Half Moon & steamship wmk=double line USPS perf=12
United States postage 9/25/1909 2c car issue=Hudson-Fulton d=Half Moon & steamship wmk=double line USPS imperf
United States postage 1910 2c car issue=1910a d=Washington (1908 two cents) wmk=single line USPS perf=12
United States postage 1910 2c car issue=1910a d=Washington (1908 two cents) wmk=single line USPS imperf
United States postage 11/1/1910 2c car issue=1910b 12h d=Washington (1908 two cents) wmk=single line USPS perf=12h
United States postage 11/1/1910 2c car issue=1910c 12v d=Washington (1908 two cents) wmk=single line USPS perf=12v
United States postage 1910 2c car issue=1910d 8.5h d=Washington (1908 two cents) wmk=single line USPS perf=8.5h
United States postage 1910 2c car issue=1910e 8.5v d=Washington (1908 two cents) wmk=single line USPS perf= 8.5v
United States postage 2/12/1912 2c car issue=1912a d=Washington (1908) var=1 wmk=single line USPS perf=12
United States postage 3/18/1912 2c car issue=1912c 8.5h d=Washington (1908) var=1 wmk=single line USPS perf=8.5h
United States postage 3/21/1912 2c car issue=1912d 8.5v d=Washington (1908) var=1 wmk=single line USPS perf=8.5v
United States postage 1912 2c car issue=1912b imperf d=Washington (1908) wmk=single line USPS imperf
United States postage 1913 2c car issue=Panama-Pacific d=Panama Canal wmk=single line USPS perf=12
United States postage 1915 2c car issue=Panama-Pacific d=Panama Canal wmk=single line USPS perf=10
United States postage 1914 2c car issue=1914a d=Washington (1908) wmk=single line USPS perf=10
United States postage 1914 2c car issue=1914b h d=Washington (1908) var=1 wmk=single line USPS perf=10h
United States postage 1914 2c car issue=1914c v d=Washington (1908) wmk=single line USPS perf=10v
United States postage 1914 2c car issue=1914d rotary v d=Washington (1908) var=1 wmk=single line USPS perf=10v
United States postage 1914 2c car issue=1914d rotary v d=Washington (1908) var=2 wmk=single line USPS perf=10v
United States postage 1914 2c car issue=1914d rotary v d=Washington (1908) var=3 wmk=single line USPS perf=10v
United States postage 6/30/1914 2c car issue=1914d rotary v d=Washington (1908) var=1 wmk=single line USPS imperf
United States postage 1915 2c car issue=1915 rotary h d=Washington (1908) var=1 wmk=single line USPS perf=10h
United States postage 1916 2c car issue=1915 rotary h d=Washington (1908) var=3 wmk=single line USPS perf=10h
United States postage 6/17/1915 2c car d=Washington (1908) wmk=single line USPS perf=11
United States postage 1916 2c car issue=1916a d=Washington (1908) unwmk perf=10
United States postage 1916 2c car issue=1916b imperf d=Washington (1908) unwmk imperf
United States postage 1916 2c car issue=1916c h d=Washington (1908) var=2 unwmk perf=10h
United States postage 1919 2c car issue=1916c h d=Washington (1908) var=3 unwmk perf=10h
United States postage 1916 2c car issue=1916d v d=Washington (1908) var=2 unwmk perf=10v
United States postage 1916 2c car issue=1916d v d=Washington (1908) var=3 unwmk perf=10v
United States postage 1917 2c rosered issue=1917 d=Washington (1908) unwmk perf=11
United States postage 10/10/1917 2c car d=Washington (1908) wmk=double line USPS perf=11
United States postage 1920 2c car issue=1918a d=Washington (1908) var=4 unwmk perf=11
United States postage 1920 2c car issue=1918a d=Washington (1908) var=5 unwmk perf=11
United States postage 1920 2c car issue=1918a d=Washington (1908) var=5a unwmk perf=11
United States postage 1920 2c car issue=1918a d=Washington (1908) var=6 unwmk perf=11
United States postage 1920 2c car issue=1918a d=Washington (1908) var=7 unwmk perf=11
United States postage 3/18/1920 2c car issue=1918b imperf d=Washington (1908) var=4 unwmk imperf
United States postage 1920 2c car issue=1918b imperf d=Washington (1908) var=5 unwmk imperf
United States postage 1920 2c car issue=1918b imperf d=Washington (1908) var=5a unwmk imperf
United States postage 1920 2c car issue=1918b imperf d=Washington (1908) var=6 unwmk imperf
United States postage 1920 2c car issue=1918b imperf d=Washington (1908) var=7 unwmk imperf
United States postage 1919 2c car issue=1919 d=Washington (1908) var=2 unwmk perf=11x10
United States postage 1919 2c car issue=1919 d=Washington (1908) var=3 unwmk perf=11x10
United States postage 12/21/1920 2c carrose issue=Pilgrim 300th d=Pilgrims landing unwmk perf=11
United States postage 1921 2c car issue=1921 d=Washington (1908) var=3 unwmk perf=11
United States postage 1/15/1923 2c car issue=1922 d=George Washington (1923) unwmk perf=11
United States postage 4/14/1924 2c car issue=1923 d=George Washington (1923) unwmk perf=10
United States postage 1923 2c car issue=1923 11x10 d=George Washington (1923) unwmk perf=11x10
United States postage 1923 2c car issue=1923 coil waste d=George Washington (1923) unwmk perf=11
United States postage 1923 2c car issue=1923 coil h d=George Washington (1923) unwmk perf=10h
United States postage 4/4/1925 2c car issue=1923 imperf d=George Washington (1923) unwmk imperf
United States postage 1/1923 2c car issue=1923 v d=George Washington (1923) var=1 unwmk perf=10v
United States postage 3/1929 2c car issue=1923 v d=George Washington (1923) var=2 unwmk perf=10v